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OC Nervous :P


Aug 31, 2014
Erlanger, Kentucky
I don't doubt you. I'm confirmed there are many places that have no signs. I'm also saying that are many places that do.

Were you openly carrying on the game show?

Regardless, we are all agreed that any signs have no weight of law, in addition to no weight with bad guys.


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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
quoth the great and magnificent grape, quote: I a m n o t t o o s l o w to g e t t h e m e s s a g e t h o u g h . unquoth

hunker'g down hiding...



Regular Member
Mar 3, 2016
Hurricane, Utah
Hey you guys. Yea I was planning on waiting until I get back from my trip to reply but I'm just chilling at the campsite right now so, why not?

So far I haven't had any issues but truthfully we really haven't gone anywhere. We've gone to the dam and into the nps visitor center so those times I knew I had to keep them inside the vehicle. But I've been on trails and inside the restaurant here at the park and so far no one has said anything to me so there's that.

But I don't think we're really going into town or the city, fortunately and unfortunately, so I don't think I will really be able to test oc. We're going to go on some more trails but I think that's really it.

I think that's hilarious that you can ignore a no guns sign for private owners stores. I don't see the point because I'm sure they'd tell you to leave it outside or leave. But yea, I'm happy to have found this forum. A lot of good members and information here. So far I'm enjoying oc, but I don't think I'll continue if I'm given the option of oc or cc. Both of course are very important, though.

Sorry if I made spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. I'm on my phone and is a pain to read at night lol.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...I think that's hilarious that you can ignore a no guns sign for private owners stores. I don't see the point because I'm sure they'd tell you to leave it outside or leave...

Reason being that it's a convoluted mess to allow signs to have weight of law. There would be standards for the signage, and you'd have to stop everywhere, reading all the signs on all the doors.

Whereas now, if I happen to catch your sign, I'll gladly give my hard-earned money to someone else. There are very few places without suitable competition. But I can't be arrested/fined just for missing a sign somewhere.

And yes, if a business asks you to leave, you'd better do it without argument or delay. A "no guns" sign makes as much real sense as a sign that says "no white socks allowed." Wearing a gun is normal, and not being welcome somewhere should be abnormal, and if they want to make an issue out of it, they have to be proactive, and not just relying on signage.