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How to get blacks to open carry??


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
As an organizer of multiple open carry events in Ohio, and aware of others elsewhere, I can't tell you the number of times I've read things like "Well, that could never have been done if it was a group of black people!!".

At a local university I was told by two college-age black males that if they were to OC like I was doing, the police would shoot them dead! There was no swaying them from their assertion that: black person + open carry = dead black person.

I'm sick of hearing the assertion, which I don't believe to be true, and which is a stereotype I would like to break/a prejudice I'd like to prove untrue - especially locally (Cincinnati, OH).

Just today I spoke to an attractive 40-ish black woman who insisted that **even if she were to OC with me** that she would be at risk! Her analogy was something along the lines of "it's not like I'd just be going to the candy store!". <sigh>

The group-think in matters such as this is sooooo strong, and granted, I'm a middle aged white male, so I can't speak from personal experience.

Does anyone have any experience with such conversations, and better yet, does anyone know any local blacks who would be willing to OC with me?

Here's an old thread on the subject: http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?89386-African-americans-open-carrying


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
I read it in high school. I think I did a report on it. Long time ago. Don't remember the details of what he did exactly to make himself appear black, but I remember it worked. I think he fooled most of the people he met, got invited into people's homes and told things he would not have been as a white man. For the time anyway. Interesting book, I had forgotten about it until I read the OP. I had to do a search for the author, for full disclosure......

That would be putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak I guess!

There, guess I just did another book report!!! I give myself a D-.
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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
If you doubt the Wiki's veracity then register, as I am, and edit it to your heart's content.
No, I wasn't taking a swipe at what is posted about this particular subject, just acknowledging that Wikipedia isn't always accurate.
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Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina

Talk about going off topic. This has to be a record. How about responding to BB62's original question?


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
If open carry makes a certain group of people nervous because they think, legitimately or not, that it would cause them to be shot and possibly be killed, I suspect you will not get many volunteers.

They may be right in some instances and places, and what old white guys think to the contrary is kind of irrelevant. It's easy to be brave with someone else's life. You only get one.

I believe that if I walked around certain parts of Chicago after dark I wouldn't make it to morning alive. But, I don't know how to actually prove that wrong without trying it.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Unfortunately the only biased citizen that a OCing citizen needs to worry about, in the vast majority of jurisdictions, his the local cop. Why should the burden be placed on the citizen to OC to change any given cop's bias vs. placing the burden on cops, anywhere/everywhere, to observe and follow the laws of his state.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
How to get blacks to open carry??

Oh, my.

I'm gonna go way out on limb here, guys.

I think the better question is, "How to get white people to recognize that the fight for rights for blacks is the fight for the rights of whites?"

Permit me to explain.

I love reading Mark Twain. He's funny; he's smart. Then, one day I read something he wrote that totally changed my view of him. He went from "funny guy, wise in the ways of human nature" to "equal of Aristotle." He wrote that (paraphrase) he was glad for the end of slavery not only because it freed blacks but because it also freed the white man.

Whoa!!! I almost dropped the book. I had never thought of that before: if you enslave another or agree with enslaving another, you yourself can never be free.

Think about it. If I enslave another, I must necessarily consider my slave beneath me, or myself above him. And, I can never let go of that idea. For, the instant I let go of that idea, the enormity of the harm I did him comes flooding in. I sold his children away from him. I prevented him making the most for himself and loved ones--I made him make the most for me. I stole his produce. I did everything I could to demean him in his own eyes for my own gain. Who can face having done that to another?

I think Twain was saying that the slaver, and those who agreed that slavery was acceptable, were slaves to their own justifications. They could never rise above their own justifications.

Moreover, if it is OK for me to enslave another because, "he is inferior to me"; then, in that same sentence I am validating the premise that is acceptable for another to enslave me if he is better than I. Worse, I am giving away the decision-making power. I give not my slave the power to decide whether I am better than he. In that same breath I am handing another the power to decide whether he is better than I. I have no say in his decision. I validated and legitimized his power to decide over me when I used that same rationale to decide over another--that person I chose to call 'slave.'

How can anyone be truly free with that thinking flying around? Or, its lesser degrees? "No, you're not my slave, but you need to sit at the back of the bus because the front of the bus is "reserved" for your betters"?

The rights of blacks are the rights of whites. If whites and blacks united against those who seek to divide, we would be almost unstoppable.

How do we get whites to recognize rights?


When was the last time you listened to MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech?

Listen to it again. No, I mean right now. Hunt it up on YouTube.

There is a reason it resonates. He was speaking in the context of black rights. Yet, his words touch deeper. He spoke to freedom.
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
The state, and its minions, have no issue with treating the citizenry as its slaves...they are loath to relinquish the power they have taken by force of arms.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Although some interesting observations have been posted, since no one has addressed the question I posed, let me re-pose it:

Just today I spoke to an attractive 40-ish black woman who insisted that **even if she were to OC with me** that she would be at risk! Her analogy was something along the lines of "it's not like I'd just be going to the candy store!". <sigh>

The group-think in matters such as this is sooooo strong, and granted, I'm a middle aged white male, so I can't speak from personal experience.

Does anyone have any experience with such conversations, and better yet, does anyone know any local blacks who would be willing to OC with me?


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Here is the thang, I do not get anybody to do anything. Just is not my place.

Now that is not to say I do not try to set an example for everybody, and answer honestly any questions asked about open carry when approached.

This is something individuals will have to decide on their own, it is up to us to support them when they do.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
There are 7 states in this country where a person white or red or black, if said person were to open carry, I suspect they would be shot on sight.

Illinois, Hawaii, Maryland,Massachusetts, California, New Jersey, New york.. I would also venture to mention Washington D.C. while not technically a state, one would be shot on sight in D.C.. My .02




Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Oh, my.

I'm gonna go way out on limb here, guys.

I think the better question is, "How to get white people to recognize that the fight for rights for blacks is the fight for the rights of whites?"

Permit me to explain.

I love reading Mark Twain. He's funny; he's smart. Then, one day I read something he wrote that totally changed my view of him. He went from "funny guy, wise in the ways of human nature" to "equal of Aristotle." He wrote that (paraphrase) he was glad for the end of slavery not only because it freed blacks but because it also freed the white man.

Whoa!!! I almost dropped the book. I had never thought of that before: if you enslave another or agree with enslaving another, you yourself can never be free.

Think about it. If I enslave another, I must necessarily consider my slave beneath me, or myself above him. And, I can never let go of that idea. For, the instant I let go of that idea, the enormity of the harm I did him comes flooding in. I sold his children away from him. I prevented him making the most for himself and loved ones--I made him make the most for me. I stole his produce. I did everything I could to demean him in his own eyes for my own gain. Who can face having done that to another?

I think Twain was saying that the slaver, and those who agreed that slavery was acceptable, were slaves to their own justifications. They could never rise above their own justifications.

Moreover, if it is OK for me to enslave another because, "he is inferior to me"; then, in that same sentence I am validating the premise that is acceptable for another to enslave me if he is better than I. Worse, I am giving away the decision-making power. I give not my slave the power to decide whether I am better than he. In that same breath I am handing another the power to decide whether he is better than I. I have no say in his decision. I validated and legitimized his power to decide over me when I used that same rationale to decide over another--that person I chose to call 'slave.'

How can anyone be truly free with that thinking flying around? Or, its lesser degrees? "No, you're not my slave, but you need to sit at the back of the bus because the front of the bus is "reserved" for your betters"?

The rights of blacks are the rights of whites. If whites and blacks united against those who seek to divide, we would be almost unstoppable.

How do we get whites to recognize rights?


When was the last time you listened to MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech?

Listen to it again. No, I mean right now. Hunt it up on YouTube.

There is a reason it resonates. He was speaking in the context of black rights. Yet, his words touch deeper. He spoke to freedom.

I recall Mr. Clemens in his book " Damed Human Race" that his Father actually had 2 slaves on their farm in Florida, Missouri.
Yes, one cannot be free if one owns slaves, I have often stated that our founders were in fact "slaves of their time". They were a product of their time.
Of the founders only three, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, and John Q. Adams NEVER owned slaves..

How do we get whites to recognize rights? It starts at home.. My .02
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Here is the thang, I do not get anybody to do anything. Just is not my place.

Now that is not to say I do not try to set an example for everybody, and answer honestly any questions asked about open carry when approached.

This is something individuals will have to decide on their own, it is up to us to support them when they do.

So if a few black law abiding citizens decided to walk and open carry in your neighborhood, you would walk along with them?..


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
SNIP How do we get whites to recognize rights? It starts at home.. My .02

Yep. It certainly does.

For myself, it started with forum user, "Tomahawk". I can still remember the exact moment he suggested I read John Locke's Second Treatise.

That is to say, while my parents laid the groundwork at home, for me it started right here on OCDO!


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Yep. It certainly does.

For myself, it started with forum user, "Tomahawk". I can still remember the exact moment he suggested I read John Locke's Second Treatise.

That is to say, while my parents laid the groundwork at home, for me it started right here on OCDO!

Locke and Paine should be must reading in our schools, I had all three of my children read both, and I must say, my children are liberty minded and support justice for everyone..

Voltaire called Locke, " The Man of the greatest wisdom, what he has not seen clearly, I despair of every seeing"....

Thomas Paine was a huge follower of Locke and my favorite founding Father..

Citizen, if I may suggest a great read, " The Rights of Persons' by Sir William Blackstone

Always a pleasure Sir!
