Campaign Veteran
Up dating avitars is NOT a problem.
I have seen you and many others change to new ones, they think are cooler or betterer than the old ones...
Thats is not a dellema(sp).
The only time it has problem has been when an argumenter has COPIED an avitar of an oppenent during a back and foreth discousion.
It is a very special transgression.
The new rule is not realy pointed at anyone new to the forum that chooses an avitar.
I really don't think the rule is intended to be applied against folks who inadvertently use common images for an avatar, and it turns out another user has the same.
It's specifically designed to prohibit what matt did, changing his avatar in the middle of a discussion (argument) to that of the person he was arguing with, for the express purpose of confusing people/generally trolling.