• We are now running on a new, and hopefully much-improved, server. In addition we are also on new forum software. Any move entails a lot of technical details and I suspect we will encounter a few issues as the new server goes live. Please be patient with us. It will be worth it! :) Please help by posting all issues here.
  • The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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  • Please review the Forum Rules frequently as we are constantly trying to improve the forum for our members and visitors.
John Pierce
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  • John, do you still have any OCDO coins? Also WAGUNS is thinking about making their own. Info on manufacture and approximate price per coin?
    hi john, how about kicking these phone salespeople off our forums, they have all most taking over our forums, thank you.
    If I may suggest, rather than "grey out" those unwanted sales messages which appear in the various forums, why not simply remove them in their entirety?

    Please DELETE The Thread: Uneducated Police must be Educated from The Georgia Forum.

    In the General Discussion I proposed a No Guns Allowed listing and was asked if I would volunteer to maintain a list for Georgia. I would like to do that if it could become a sticky for Georgia since I live in Georgia. What do I need to do if this is possible? Unfortunately I will be leaving for a 2 week vacation on Tuesday the 10th but will check back in frequently. Thanks. Bill
    Sir, can you change my screenname from Yale to sraacke ? I have started using sraacke on other forums as the name Yale is not my real name but an alias I have used based on a book character. Some people have begun thinking that my name is Yale and I want to avoid any misunderstandings. Please change it to sraacke. Thanks,
    Steve Raacke
    Greetings sir. I've started an Ohio Gun Owners Forum and I've included a post in the Ohio section here. I've also added the OpenCarry.org logo from the top of your forum on the main page of mine. Is there another image or logo which you would like for me to use? Also if there is a better place to gather some front time to advertise my forum I would greatly appreciate it. My forum is solely run by me and is a non-profit site.

    Thank you for any information and the continued support for the RKBA and open carry.


    Andrew Lehman
    Sent to Grapeshot.

    Mr. GrapeS,

    i had the misfortune of stumbling across the "I'm done" thread this afternoon.

    All I can say is you are the most patient man/moderator I have ever witnessed on the entire interweb.

    Your work is appreciated.

    Thank you,


    c.c. John
    The thread in Wisconsin forum "defense fund for Jesus Gonzalez" can be archived as the case is closed.
    Thanks for a great website. I have a couple things to point out:

    November 1 Breakfast location.
    == This date is past, but it did get a lot of people to Madison

    Here is free training that meets the letter of the proposed law
    == This training does NOT meet the emergency administrative rules from the Wisconsin Department of Justice. They require Instructor-Led training.
    I wish that DELETED threads would be actually removed entirely!
    In many cases, just locking the thread still allows me to read something stupid,
    and looking up the stupid poster can be instructive and enjoyable.
    Where in the settings or profile may I enter my "signature?" I've looked all over and can't find it. I see many of the posters do have "signatures." Thanks.
    I have (3) PDF files that relate to the Ky page for the Michael Mitchell case. Problem is each files is about 9 MB in size. Is there a way to put these out on the Ky site?
    Thanks, Comm
    Its ok I understand it can be kind of hard to keep tabs on all that gets posted, I had found a really good deal on a Viridian C5L laser with light. Just wanted to let everyone know where they could get one at a really good price. Have been watching them for awhile waiting for a good deal and a website called www.DVOR.com just started a deal on them today. Just like everything else you have to sign up to be a member (its free). Is there a Section that we can post in to let people know when we find a good deal on firearms related stuff? Thanks Greg W.
    Why was my post considered spam i was letting everyone know where to get an item for cheap. Thanks
    Howdy Amigo!
    I am just writing to inform that there are now three different threads all reporting the same incident in which a serpa owner shot himself.



    While I enjoy seeing somebody shoot himself in the leg as much as the next man, this is getting somewhat redundant. I just wanted to bring this to your attention.

    Thank you,
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