Jack House
Regular Member
NICS ain't open 24 hours.I actually work for Wal-Mart in the Sporting Goods Dept. We were told the N.I.C.S. Information line we call for background checks (because not all of us have a CC Permit.) This is not true. N.I.C.S. is available 24/7. This is a Home Office decision. It is programmed into the computer system and will not permit a firearm sale after 9:59pm. Ammunition sales after 10pm are a store managers call. Just as it is the store managers call to require all HANDGUN ammunition to be rang AT THE SPORTING GOODS COUNTER. (Such as in our store).
While an associate is on the clock we are not permitted to carry. (it is against policy for me to even have in my vehicle.)
NICS is customarily available 17 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays (except for Christmas).
As for Wal-Mart not selling ammunition after 10pm, I could have sworn I'd addressed that already. But oh well. I used to work at Wal-Mart as an overnight cashier. If someone is telling you that Wal-Mart corporate policy prohibits ammo sells after midnight, they're flatout lying to you. Though it's possible they aren't aware they're lying to you. I sold ammo all the damn time when I worked there. My hours were always 10-7.
If you go to Wal-Mart after a certain hour and they tell you they can't/wont sell ammo to you because it's after hours and it's not a STATE, COUNTY or LOCAL law/ordinance, politely ask to speak with a CO-manager. The store manager most likely wont be there. If they still block you. Then leave, and if you're still interested in buying ammunition at the store after say midnight, then speak with the store manager. Failing that, then speak with the district manager. You're pretty likely to get the policy overturned by the DM unless the DM is an anti. The reasons for refusing to sell ammo after 10pm is just as likely to have to do with productivity than them just having some stupid anti-gun policy.