Regular Member
I was searching the web for information on WalMarts Firearm policy and came across this letter from WalMart stating their Firearm Policy for Concealed Carry as well as Open Carry.
"DATE: Friday, April 16,1999 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: Firearms
Thank you for contacting Wal-Mart regarding our concealed handgun policy. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton on three basic principles. Strive for Excellence, Service to our Customers, and Respect for the Individual. It is that respect for the individual that led us to create the current policy pertaining to concealed handguns.
The following is our policy......If a Wal-Mart customer has been awarded a concealed handgun license by the state government, Wal-Mart will follow the direction of the state. However, if at anytime while on Wal-Mart property, that customer's concealed weapon becomes visible to Wal-Mart associates or customers, Wal-Mart reserves the right to ask the customer to either reposition the weapon so that it will not be visible, to remove the weapon completely or to leave Wal-Mart property, With the exception of law enforcement personnel, Wal-Mart does not allow any exposed weapons to be worn or carried in public view on Wal-Mart property or in Wal-Mart stores. Customers other than law enforcement personnel wearing or carrying a weapon in an exposed manner will be asked to leave the property immediately.
We appreciate your concern and trust that this message has addressed your concerns regarding this issue.
Thank you,
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc."
As you can see the date of the replay is 1999 so I'm unsure if they still follow this policy or if it has been changed to meet the times. I searched more and have been unable to find anything saying it was changed. I will call WalMart and get a Up to date letter with contact information from Corp. So when we do this OC at WalMart we can show them the letter stating walmarts policy and who we spoke to.
"DATE: Friday, April 16,1999 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: Firearms
Thank you for contacting Wal-Mart regarding our concealed handgun policy. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton on three basic principles. Strive for Excellence, Service to our Customers, and Respect for the Individual. It is that respect for the individual that led us to create the current policy pertaining to concealed handguns.
The following is our policy......If a Wal-Mart customer has been awarded a concealed handgun license by the state government, Wal-Mart will follow the direction of the state. However, if at anytime while on Wal-Mart property, that customer's concealed weapon becomes visible to Wal-Mart associates or customers, Wal-Mart reserves the right to ask the customer to either reposition the weapon so that it will not be visible, to remove the weapon completely or to leave Wal-Mart property, With the exception of law enforcement personnel, Wal-Mart does not allow any exposed weapons to be worn or carried in public view on Wal-Mart property or in Wal-Mart stores. Customers other than law enforcement personnel wearing or carrying a weapon in an exposed manner will be asked to leave the property immediately.
We appreciate your concern and trust that this message has addressed your concerns regarding this issue.
Thank you,
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc."
As you can see the date of the replay is 1999 so I'm unsure if they still follow this policy or if it has been changed to meet the times. I searched more and have been unable to find anything saying it was changed. I will call WalMart and get a Up to date letter with contact information from Corp. So when we do this OC at WalMart we can show them the letter stating walmarts policy and who we spoke to.