• We are now running on a new, and hopefully much-improved, server. In addition we are also on new forum software. Any move entails a lot of technical details and I suspect we will encounter a few issues as the new server goes live. Please be patient with us. It will be worth it! :) Please help by posting all issues here.
  • The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  • If you are having trouble seeing the forum then you may need to clear your browser's DNS cache. Click here for instructions on how to do that
  • Please review the Forum Rules frequently as we are constantly trying to improve the forum for our members and visitors.



Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
imported post

Shoot. Looks exactly the same to me. I was hoping for better software. When people post massive long links or big pictures, the entire page becomes too wide and one must scroll side to side endlessly to read anything. Was hoping that wouldn't happen any more. We'll see. :)


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
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MamaLiberty wrote:
Shoot. Looks exactly the same to me. I was hoping for better software. When people post massive long links or big pictures, the entire page becomes too wide and one must scroll side to side endlessly to read anything. Was hoping that wouldn't happen any more. We'll see. :)

The migration has been postponed. We are still on the old system. You will know when it's been done.



Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
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TFred wrote:
The migration has been postponed. We are still on the old system. You will know when it's been done.

Well, that's good news!! :) Last night I was writing a reply to a PM and when I clicked send I got the message that the update was in progress. Lost my reply... So, I figured it was done.

Next time I have to remember the time difference. LOL It was only 5PM here. :)


Dec 19, 2009
Davisburg, Michigan, United States
imported post

MamaLiberty wrote:
Shoot. Looks exactly the same to me. I was hoping for better software. When people post massive long links or big pictures, the entire page becomes too wide and one must scroll side to side endlessly to read anything. Was hoping that wouldn't happen any more. We'll see. :)
Yeah, that suchs. Most of the time when I want to upload a photo I cant because the file size is too big, so I dont bother anymore.:X


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
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wylde007 wrote:
vBulletin Rocks.

phpBB, too.

This board? Not so much. Looking forward to it... keep up the great work team!
phpBB rocks.

vBulletin, not so much. (Proprietary, closed, expensive, and usually ugly as a frozen turd after people "customize" it.)

WowBB is a decade behind in development (again, closed and proprietary).


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
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KBCraig wrote:
vBulletin, not so much. (Proprietary, closed, expensive, and usually ugly as a frozen turd after people "customize" it.)

I don't want to steer too far off topic here... but... So it's clear you don't like vBulletin, but your list of reasons aren't particularly cogent.

Expensive is relative, as noted, you get what you pay for, in this case a well-supported software product that serves millions of end users. If your software is free but you spend more time maintaining it, who paid the most for it?

Proprietary? So. So is Windows, Office, iTunes, etc, etc, etc.

Closed and ugly... sort of contradictory... if it were open source, people could "customize it" even more than they do now. At least now, customization is only in appearance and within a defined set of administered parameters. Which end of the spectrum do you want, more customization, or more uniformity?

All that is just to say... software is what it is... you choose the product that serves your needs. It just happens that vBulletin serves an awful lot of people's needs very satisfactorily. :)



Regular Member
Mar 18, 2010
University Place, Washington, USA
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I'd just like to add, from the Moderator, SuperModerator and Administrator viewpoint, vB offers a lot more functionality and once learned is easier to maintain. It really is a step forward or up as far as functionality.

As to the "look and feel" of vB forums, yes, they do end to all look a lot alike as far as features. Duh. Those features work, and work reliably, and as an end user, if you learn 'em once on some site, the knowledge is easily transportable to every other vB site...

The differences between sites is mostly the people, as it should be.

Admin, http://ScionLife.com/forums


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
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I'm an owner and administrator on phpBB and SMF forums. My experience with vB is as a user and moderator.

If a forum owner chooses to pay for vB and the updates, that's his choice. All the paid support in the world doesn't make it better for the end users, though. I see that on lots of vB forums: the admins go nuts on the bling and advertising, and users are left with a bewildering display of crap.

To be fair, I've also seen some nicely designed vB forums. They just happen to the the minority.

Hands down, the best combination of admin and user experience and features, out of the box, is SMF. And that's because it's the least objectionable. No bling, no ugliness, full features for users (including full BBcode tags, and a quoting system that doesn't baffle users).

If you haven't guessed already, my main objection to vB is that most admins go nuts with the feature bloat. If Mike and John want to use vB, I hope they don't fall for that.

After all, a forum is for the users, not admin geekery. Keep it simple enough for casual users, and flexible enough for advanced users. But keep it about the users.


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
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I'm a senior administrator for an SMF forum, and I've never seen forum software I like better than that - though I've not worked with vB.

Do, however, avoid all of the cutsey bells and whistles. Simple is usually best. :)