Update on my wifes search for her first 1911. Her plan was to spend only 800 on one, but when she got to hold a Colt 1911 Commander Lightweight in stainless, she was hooked. She picked it on on Friday and we went to the range today. We shot roughly 250 rounds through it. The target below is mine and my wife's own target looked similar except for a flyer or two. With practice she will get better and she will be in good shape when she starts to carry the 1911. The recoil was not bad at all for how light it was and she said that it didn't bother her at all. We will have 185 grain Gold Dolts to test next weekend when they show up. No stoppages due to the gun, I used our range only mags to get her the practice of clearing a few malfunctions, the Colt mags that came with it ran flawless.

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