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Why didn't someone carrying in that Texas Wal-Mart interviene to stop that mass shooting?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
oh sorry...did you ever respond to my favorite question from janet jackson...

i mean you are stomp'g and beat'g the drum to participate, yet...not a word about your participatory activities...

you in WA at rally's against firearm initiatives ?

you in Ohio taking walks with bb62?

you going to the VA OC monthly dinners?

you going to the VCDL rally or following their activities on FB?

you pushing NM legislature against the way the state liquor board has implement their statutes against carry?

you OPEN CARRY, to the extent possible, in your daily life?

sorry barros, all i've seen is your ranting tirades about doing something but nothing from your post of sugguestion of well i did this or sent this to them or at this rally i conversed with and i believe my actions might have made a slight difference!
Oct 17, 2019
oh sorry...did you ever respond to my favorite question from janet jackson...

i mean you are stomp'g and beat'g the drum to participate, yet...not a word about your participatory activities...

you in WA at rally's against firearm initiatives ?

you in Ohio taking walks with bb62?

you going to the VA OC monthly dinners?

you going to the VCDL rally or following their activities on FB?

you pushing NM legislature against the way the state liquor board has implement their statutes against carry?

you OPEN CARRY, to the extent possible, in your daily life?

sorry barros, all i've seen is your ranting tirades about doing something but nothing from your post of sugguestion of well i did this or sent this to them or at this rally i conversed with and i believe my actions might have made a slight difference!
Little petulant boy, I do not indulge in tirades, but am being attacked on spurious grounds simply because I'm not in lockstep with your NRA cult brainwashing.

i attempted to initiate conversations about how to engage the issue at UVA and elsewhere, and to discuss the "good guy with a gun" scenario, but have received only insults from you intransigent and treasonous fanatics.

Post something of substance or shut up. I haven't time for your reactive submental prattling.

Y'all can go back to stroking each other, because I've about given up on any intelligent conversation occurrng in here. Just another internet board full of ego-deprived insecure nutcases.

So go scare some citizens with your guns and pretend you're "somebody" rather than the impotent jerkoff you really are.



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Since you misrepresent everything I say, why should I bother to respond? I was interested in shooting that fellow because he was shooting at us and threatening to kill us and anyone who was our friend!

You don't seem to want to address the issue at all, only attack anyone who isn't in lockstep with your cultish dogma.

Oh, is that potty mouth? If I point out that you're a liar, which is clearly the case, is that immature?

I was expressing no bravado, as I said I would feel obligated to be the "good guy with a gun". I have no desire that I be presented with that necessity. I'm certainly not hoping to be involved in any gunfight. But then, why are any of you carrying firearms? For self-defense, I'm sure you claim, though I suspect many of you are hoarding guns in anticipation of exterminating Democrats, Muslims, immigrants, gays, etc.

I'm not going to bother with your silliness. Try posting something of substance or leave me out of it.

barros, i have shown the specific words you posted, including those you deny stating yet you believe i'm the liar...

to answer your question, as publicly stated on the forum, this member's sole purpose for carrying my firearm is the self defence of myself that of my loved ones ~ period!

BTW, good to see you're now accusing the membership of sedition...and proposing in engaging in hate crimes against classes of our nation's citizens ~ unbelievable...
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Little petulant boy, I do not indulge in tirades, but am being attacked on spurious grounds simply because I'm not in lockstep with your NRA cult brainwashing.

i attempted to initiate conversations about how to engage the issue at UVA and elsewhere, and to discuss the "good guy with a gun" scenario, but have received only insults from you intransigent and treasonous fanatics.

Post something of substance or shut up. I haven't time for your reactive submental prattling.

Y'all can go back to stroking each other, because I've about given up on any intelligent conversation occurrng in here. Just another internet board full of ego-deprived insecure nutcases.

So go scare some citizens with your guns and pretend you're "somebody" rather than the impotent jerkoff you really are.

Apparently you were looking in the mirror when you composed your response?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
[1] Little petulant boy, I do not indulge in tirades, but am being attacked on spurious grounds simply because I'm not in lockstep with your [2] NRA cult brainwashing.

i attempted to initiate conversations about how to engage the issue at UVA and elsewhere, and to discuss the "good guy with a gun" scenario, but have received only insults from [3] you intransigent and treasonous fanatics.

Post something of substance or shut up. I haven't time for [4] your reactive submental prattling.

[5] Y'all can go back to stroking each other, because I've about given up [6] on any intelligent conversation occurrng in here. Just another internet board full of [7] ego-deprived insecure nutcases.

So go scare some citizens with your guns and [8] pretend you're "somebody" rather than the [9] impotent jerkoff you really are.


nice...civil discourse at its finest...

might eat more fibre as it will cure that Pffffff


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Little petulant boy, I do not indulge in tirades, but am being attacked on spurious grounds simply because I'm not in lockstep with your NRA cult brainwashing.

i attempted to initiate conversations about how to engage the issue at UVA and elsewhere, and to discuss the "good guy with a gun" scenario, but have received only insults from you intransigent and treasonous fanatics.

Post something of substance or shut up. I haven't time for your reactive submental prattling.

Y'all can go back to stroking each other, because I've about given up on any intelligent conversation occurrng in here. Just another internet board full of ego-deprived insecure nutcases.

So go scare some citizens with your guns and pretend you're "somebody" rather than the impotent jerkoff you really are.


Personally I have little use for the NRA. They too search for a non existent " middle ground" the really means give up more ground to traitorous anti RTKABA forces.

There is no interference with the RTKABA provided for in the 2A or COTUS. And neither granted the RTKABA as it existed long before this nation.

On that score we have nothing to discuss.

I attempted to discuss with you the mass shooter scenario you posed.
Personally , I would engage. I'm an old man with little to lose. How I would engage would depend on to many variables to list here.
But. I've never in the past nor will I now enter into an armed confrontation worrying about cops, collateral damage, etc. Why?

Because simply put, I could very easily not be of this world at the end of the confrontation to worry about it.

Especially if facing a maniac with a long gun while im armed with a pistol. Odds are unless one can get in pistol range, unobserved by the boogeyman, ones chances of prevailing are slim. Not impossible, but slim.

If I survive the attempt, then I'll worry about the aftermath.

All that said as I read you ever increasing arrogant and hostile posts, using almost verbatum the war cry of the gun grabbers, I am beginning to smell a rat.