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This video makes zero sense! 1911 vs Glock!


Activist Member
Sep 28, 2010
Lenexa, Kansas
This guy states no information that would make his argument valid when it comes to Glock vs 1911. He made claims stating changing the grip on the 1911 would mess with it and cause it to stove pipe/ or failure to feed. He also stated he rarely sees anyone in his class use a 1911 and not have issues with it. I can't figure out if this guy is ranting due to having a bad 1911 or he's a huge egotistic fan boy of Glock. Figure I post this to see what you all think he's trying to throw out there.


PS: Ignore the typo in "Make's" in the title....didn't realize I stuck that in it.
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
"Runaway" is a moron who gets his rocks off insulting people. But yea he is also a Glock fanboi. The only thing he is really an expert on is running away from a fight. Which is not a bad thing unless you are getting paid not to run away.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
I'll bet that's an Affliction or a Tap Out shirt. Classic. I'll bet he colors in the etchings on his Glock slide with Crayon too.

I own both and love both. The 1911 is a classic. It's also nothing like a Glock.

That being said, I hate to admit it, but if I were pressed really hard to make a choice between the 2 knowing I would be going into combat I would choose the Glock. I like my Glock/1911 both for different reasons.


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
Yeager is always very opinionated. But sometimes he manages to allow some facts to exit his rant. I own two 1911's and I can say without equivocation that neither one of them has given any cause for concern. But then, I haven't put thousands of rounds through either of them. Were I to have to choose between a Glock and a 1911 if the SHTF, I would pick up on of my Glocks hands down. Can't say for certain which one but several would be the better idea.

I tend to take Mr. Yeager's comments with some reservation after having viewed his video in which he states that the .40S&W sucks. That pretty much told me how to view his opinions.

Phoenix David

Regular Member
Sep 8, 2009
Glendale, Arizona, USA
Yet another example of my opinion is more important than yours and you are stupid if you disagree with me.

Insted of just saying find a quality firearm that fits you and learn how to use and train, practice, practice, train, practice....

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
People like Yeager seem to overlook the fact that only Glock is making Glock firearms and Glock magazines for said firearms, something which greatly increases the likelihood that all parts are in spec and in-line with the intended design.

In order to make a fair comparison, let's wait til "Glock-style" firearms are made by 3,000 different companies who all have slightly different takes on the angles and internal geometries, and try to feed them with "Glock-style" magazines with different followers and feed lip geometries.:rolleyes:

SNIP... find a quality firearm that fits you and learn how to use and train, practice, practice, train, practice....

Nonsense! Everyone knows looking bad@$$ is FAR more important than having quality gear and knowing how to use it.:p
That said, Yeager will drop a small nugget of insightful commentary once every blue moon.

For everyone's viewing pleasure, here's a video that explains what it means to be tactical (rated PG-13):
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
A good 1911 is a good defensive side arm as is a Glock .

There probably more bad 1911s out there then there are bad Glocks just because the design has been around for a lot longer and almost every body and his brother thinks that they can make one.

As the Glock is still made and controlled by the same company some Glock knocks off have not fared as well

The 1911 has evolved into a good handgun that can use all kinds of bullet designs.

The early ones did not always feed flat nose or hollow points bullets with out feed ramp work.

As other bullet designs have become common the 1911 design has been adapted to feed all types.

If you want to give me a good reliable 1911 I'll gladly take it and carry it once in a while.

I prefer and carry a Glock more then others for many reasons and I do own and carry many other types models of handguns.
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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Bottom line is that it is whatever you can afford and feel comfortable with. Not everyone is blessed with unlimited funds.

I have had the distasteful and highly dubious pleasure of crossing paths with both Mr. Yeager and his fellow traveler, Mr. Pincus. To say the very least, I was not impressed with either of them. Most of the folks on here have a much better grasp of defensive firearms use and definitely of the realities of open carry.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Bottom line is that it is whatever you can afford and feel comfortable with. Not everyone is blessed with unlimited funds.

I have had the distasteful and highly dubious pleasure of crossing paths with both Mr. Yeager and his fellow traveler, Mr. Pincus. To say the very least, I was not impressed with either of them. Most of the folks on here have a much better grasp of defensive firearms use and definitely of the realities of open carry.

Yea but we are not tactikewl, well most of us...

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Glocks are known to bust a cap all by themselves...usually after being handled in a manner the Glock does not appreciate.;)

My 1911A1 has yet to bust a cap just cuz it gets mistreated from time to time.


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
Glocks are known to bust a cap all by themselves...usually after being handled in a manner the Glock does not appreciate.;)

My 1911A1 has yet to bust a cap just cuz it gets mistreated from time to time.

Like to hear how this is possible... assuming the internal mechanisms have not been so altered as to render the gun untrustworthy.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
I tossed my Glock off a 5 story balcony where it was subsequently run over by a cement truck. Luckily I made it down the stairs in time to pick it up and take out 13 bad guys at once...with 11 perfectly placed shots. No major malfunctions.



Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I tossed my Glock off a 5 story balcony where it was subsequently run over by a cement truck. Luckily I made it down the stairs in time to pick it up and take out 13 bad guys at once...with 11 perfectly placed shots. No major malfunctions.



Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I tossed my Glock off a 5 story balcony where it was subsequently run over by a cement truck. Luckily I made it down the stairs in time to pick it up and take out 13 bad guys at once...with 11 perfectly placed shots. No major malfunctions.


Must have been your model 20 10mm that you dream of. Or was all of it in your dreams I could see 12 bad guys but 13 that's stretching things a bit.:) Now 13 with your 460 might account for 2 with each shot.:)

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
Must have been your model 20 10mm that you dream of. Or was all of it in your dreams I could see 12 bad guys but 13 that's stretching things a bit.:) Now 13 with your 460 might account for 2 with each shot.:)


Only took 7 shots, that's right! Still had 2 left! I remember clearing the one in the chamber for the arriving officer to view the Rowland cartridge in all its glory (after obvious curiosity) and still having one in the mag, just in case...



Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Sorry, Glock fans, but I don't want a gun I clean by putting it in the dishwasher!! :lol:

Seriously, I guess it's my Army training, but I am just not comfortable with a pistol that does not have a regular safety on it. I carry either a Ruger P89 or a .45 ACP clone of a Combat Commander. On the Ruger, the safety is also a decocker. The .45, of course, is carried cocked and locked.

For you guys who like and carry Glocks; more power to you. They're just not my cup of tea, but I do understand that they are a quality, reliable weapon.