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The Cowboy Hávamál. Professor Jackson Crawford. Norse Mythology: Real Expertise. No Agendas


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
beginning to feel like you are pushing a Oprah book club dougie...

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
"Bushido is all very well in its way, but it is no match for a 30-06." - John Dean "Jeff" Cooper (May 10, 1920 - September 25, 2006)

Norse mythology...pfft!!


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
I am honored to have hosted Colonel Cooper‘s Eightieth Birthday celebration at the Mid-Carolina’s Rifle Club. My similarly aged (ex)Father-in-Law and Col. Cooper entertained a dozen gentlemen as they traded stories. Col. Cooper was a gentleman through and through.

I have just begun a close reading of the Hávamál, “Words of the One-Eyed High One (Ođin),” and when I come to his caution to honor others’ wisdom I’ll try to mention it. Pffft!

Well, not perfect but so strangely familiar ...

Jackson Crawford said:
[27]It’s best for a fool
to keep his mouth shut
among other people.
No one will know
he knows nothing,
if he says nothing.
Ill-informed people
are also the ones
who don’t know when to stop talking.
”Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

It is difficult and valuable to try to separate the translator’s idiom from ancient tales. I’ll see if I can find the original language.
Ósnotr maðr,
er með aldir kemr,
þat er bazt,
at hann þegi;
engi þat veit,
at hann ekki kann,
nema hann mæli til margt;
veit-a maðr,
hinn er vettki veit,
þótt hann mæli til margt.
Heaven knows what the stupid spiel-checker did, but I gotta be busy. Ps. G00gle Translate called it Icelandic and it translated it barely recognizably.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I am honored to have hosted Colonel Cooper‘s Eightieth Birthday celebration at the Mid-Carolina’s Rifle Club.

strange, but interesting is a comment by Jeff Cooper in May 2000, quote
On our way to Africa we were invited by Ed Kelleher, president of the Mid-Carolina Rifle Club...unquote

Further, I am surprised you a retired service member would extend inappropriate military accolades to an individual who did not retire from military service as the services refused his request to continue to serve after the Korean Police action.

per Robert Hinkley from the Protocol School of Washington, quote,
" ...one who doesn't retire doesn't continue to use the rank as part of their name. Use of rank as part of one's name is reserved for those who serve until retirement.
"...Andria Post, Director of Protocol and Event Planning, Naval Sea Systems Command and here is her reply .... When one leaves the service and resigns his/her rank, so he/she does not continue to use the rank as part of his name. He/she served in an honorable fashion and served his/her committed time."

Fully retired individuals would be listed with the rank before their name: Rank Name XYZ, USAF, Retired.

Finally, Lt Col was Jeff Cooper's rank, not Colonel!

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
I do not have a problem with LtCol. Jeff Cooper being referred to as Col. Cooper. Just as I refer to a LCDR as CDR...but this is just me.

Then again, wisdom is a funny thing...those who have "it" rarely let other folks know that those other folks don't have "it".

As to that shooting club up near Columbia, went there as a guest some several years ago, nice enough place, cheap to join, rules were not too onerous...though some of the members were/are a wee bit too uppity as to the application of the written rules...it's a Columbia thing.


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
Yeah, when I tell stories of CCW training firing lines nearly a hundred students long then the FUDDs come out in force.

Senator Jake Knotts used to run free CCW training at which I was safety observer, one of many. We’d put 10 students between the observers to enforce discipline so that we could see the pistols not properly pointed.


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
Dr. Jackson Crawford avoids personal opinions not related to his profession. Check out his t-shirt. This is the guy that wrote,
“Keep yer guns close.
I don’t care what they say,
there ain’t no tellin’
when there’ll be call for ’em.
An armed man has a shot.”

His very personal story is well told, and I am sure influenced his personal views.
