Regular Member
I do not trust anything until i see it actually happen. Knowing Abbott, It would not surprise me if he waited until the 19th or 20th day and then vetoed it. I hope i am wrong but stranger things have happened by politicians. I mean he sent out a tweet about how great it was that it's next stop was his desk. My question is why didn't he sign it on the 2nd? Why the wait.
I am not normally a pessimist, but it just seems strange to me that he hasn't signed it yet. For now we wait.....
There were a huge number of bills passed finally in the last two weeks of the session. If I were to guess, it is in the hundreds of bills he has to sign. He needs to be sure he vetoes those needing a veto before they go into law without a signature. He also has line item veto on the budget, so I expect he is working on that, too. If nothing else, the open carry adn campus carry will simply become law without signature if he didn't get to them. BUT you know very well that his staff is making sure he gets maximum publicity for these bills. He will not be vetoing these two bills, because they are symbolic for his conservative base. That said, he may be getting pressure on campus carry from the colleges and he might flip on this. Oddly, I have a friend who just retired from 30 years as a university police officer, and he supported both of these bills. It seems to be the liberal elite in college administration who came out against campus carry.