Put your thinking caps on regarding "EXPERIMENTATION AND VARIATIONS"
Everyone needs to put their thinking caps on and begin to apply the section I have provided to facts and circumstances that currently exist in California.
Begin by looking at the VARIATIONS in who can carry, where it is permissible and in what counties. Then look at the VARIATIONS in how GOOD CAUSE statements are considered by different law enforcement agencies. When you're done, consider the current legislation to ban UNLOADED OPEN CARRY for what it really is, LEGISLATIVE EXPERIMENTATION by the State of California.
Here is the quote from the decision:
"Third, JUSTICE BREYER is correct that incorporation of the Second Amendment right will to some extent limit the legislative freedom of the States, but this is always true when a Bill of Rights provision is incorporated. Incorporation always restricts experimentation and local variations, but that has not stopped the Court from incorporating virtually every other provision of the Bill of Rights. “The enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.” Heller, 554 U. S., at __ (slip op., at 64). This conclusion is no more remarkable with respect to the Second Amendment than it is with respect to all the other limitations on state power found in the Constitution."