I exclusively Open Carry (OC) in 3 states -- TX, NM (and soon going back to CO) -- but as I've posted here before, after that Walmart mass-shooting here in TX some months back, Walmart "requested" customers not to OC anymore (but CC was okay). Shortly thereafter, other stores (mainly supermarkets) came out with the same no-OCing "request." I think HARDLY ANYONE ever OCed in any of those stores to begin with, but regardless that's what the stores asked customers to cease doing.
So given the no-OCing change, when I go into those stores now I put my OC gun into my inside vest pocket and when back outside I immediately put the gun back in its OC (OWB) holster. Since they weren't banning CARRY itself, I am going along with their "request."
For now...
I don't eat at fast-food places (and rarely even eat out), I won't be going to a Subway, either, but again, as they're not banning CARRY, I WOULD go there if I ever wanted to. I don't see a need to boycott them (as I don't Walmart or supermarkets, either).
-- C
P.S. How was that guy at the counter going to protect himself with an INERT rocket-launcher? Shouldn't it be LIVE and ready to go?
Really... ;-)
Reminds me of the time I tried to bring a M18A1 Claymore mine (1 each, OD green -- used them quite a few times on the perimeter and in night-time ambushes) back from the RVN as a souvenir of my "wartime adventures" (had taken out the C4 earlier so it was ALSO inert) -- no go! The inspector kept it and let me go without any further incident. Like the time I forgot I had my EDC gun (concealed) in my pocket at the airport. Or another time I forgot I had several .357 Magnum rounds in my pocket, again at the airport.
No big deal to "the authorities" back then in the Good Old Days... ;-)