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Steve Wolfson is a lying sack of...


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Yet, he has never once prosecuted someone for doing that. Hmmmmmmm...

Steve Wolfson is a GREAT attorney. As a Clark County native, I've watched his career success since he used to advertise on TV.

He's also a really, really great politician. The latter is not a compliment.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Buying guns online eh? He should post those web sites.

Yeah, about that ... there are none.

One should FOIA and common law request for records that he has that would show these fictitious web sites.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Tucson, AZ
A "Half-Truth" in his response.

As most of us already know Steve Wolfson's response was sorta of a "half-truth" when it comes to buying firearms online. But the part of the response he did not mention was that whenever we buy firearms online is that the seller is required to ship it to a FFL dealer to perform the REQUIRED NICS background check before you can actually take possession of the firearm. That's the fun of making statements that are "half-truths." They are not really lying but they are not telling us the entire truth either.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
As most of us already know Steve Wolfson's response was sorta of a "half-truth" when it comes to buying firearms online. But the part of the response he did not mention was that whenever we buy firearms online is that the seller is required to ship it to a FFL dealer to perform the REQUIRED NICS background check before you can actually take possession of the firearm. That's the fun of making statements that are "half-truths." They are not really lying but they are not telling us the entire truth either.

No, that is an outright LIE on Wolfson's part. Unless you have some sort of Silk Road operation going, you cannot buy a firearm online and skip the background check. You CAN find someone online through "social media" and agree to meet up with them somewhere to complete a transaction. No different than calling someone and arranging the meet. Does that mean you can buy a gun over the telephone and skip the background check?! BAN PHONES!!!:rolleyes:

It would be equivalent to saying that FaceBook is "in the business" of selling drugs because druggies and drug dealers use FB to arrange for face-to-face encounters. Hmm, does that mean FB is a "loophole" for the war on drugs?:confused:


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...Steve Wolfson's response was sorta of a "half-truth" ...

Wrong. It was a purposeful intent to deceive from someone who knows the whole truth, the very definition of lying.
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OC Freedom

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2014
ADA County, ID
I have bought a firearm and had it sent to my home. An 1858 Remington (Uberti) revolver and a 45 Colt conversion cylinder. I now have a 45 Colt revolver with no background check. Very simple.

Yes I am being a smart @ss, but it's cool that it can be still be done.