Doesn't seem like a good idea to me...
Maybe ... if they had functioning brains ... which they don't ...
why not block? make them go to starbucks ... more time there, less time writing idiotic legislation
... but then I don't write legislation (idiotic or otherwise), seldom go to any Starbucks (but I get a few calls to meet there), and my brain (which actually does function from time to time) insists that I use my home I'net account to participate in all sorts of forums outside my usual work at "the office".
It would really piss me off if I were blocked from any site I enjoyed and felt I gained knowledge from simply because of where I posted from... even if it is allowed by my bosses.
But wait, this is such a radical notion... I wonder... did I miss a screening process when I joined the forum? Should I have checked an are you now or have you ever been/I/we/them/us/other box? If so, I would gladly bow out and hit the road. Or:uhoh: maybe, sometimes, the "spy" in me takes over and I start reading all sorts of books, magazines, and propaganda (good and bad). Even though I have copies of "Intelligence Wars" (Powers) and "espionage's most Wanted" <sic> (Mahl) at my bedside just to, from time-to-time, reminisce the footnotes I had a hand in, I have little spare time to spy on what I think are like-minded folk.
Geez, I hope you're not all spying on me... then SMERSH:cuss: to you, smersh:cuss:, I say...
Bonus point to whoever knows the date and President that abolished the use of a subversive organization list (i.e. have you now or ever been...)
Is this really a frequently asked question? If so, maybe the moderators should weed us, or them, out being as, at least some of us/them have no functioning brains!