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Outback steakhouse

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
The wife and I went to Outback on Stephanie in Henderson today as we do frequently on Saturday for lunch. For the first time prominently displayed next to the door is a sign saying firearms are not allowed.
I will be dropping them a line letting them know that they have lost a customer. That we spend between 70 and 80 dollars on an average visit. That Claim Jumper loves our business, firearms and all.



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
seems their corp management prohibits firearms in all their businesses. a small leap of faith might suggest an olde manager tolerated firearms and retired or transferred or finally gave into to corp policy and 'had' to put up the signage.

After reading numerous reports that Outback Steakhouse bans guns we were finally able to get confirmation from Bloomin’ Brands Customer Relations:
“Thank you for contacting us. Outback prohibits guns inside its restaurants. Thank you. Cristin.
Customer Relations.
Bloomin’ Brands, Inc.”

This publicly traded company has 5 restaurant brands and we recommend you BOYCOTT the entire family:
Outback Steakhouse
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Bonefish Grill
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse

Contact Bloomin’ Brands:
Bloomin’ Brands, Inc.
2202 N. West Shore Blvd.
Suite 500
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 282-1225





Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
We (greater Richmond OCers) used to occasionally have dinners at Outback - they had no problem with us. We OTOH got tired of the extremely poor service and have not returned.

No problem at Carrabba’s Italian Grill on Midlothian Trnpk but personally acquainted with the manager.

Jeff Hayes

Regular Member
Mar 10, 2009
Long gone
The wife and I went to Outback on Stephanie in Henderson today as we do frequently on Saturday for lunch. For the first time prominently displayed next to the door is a sign saying firearms are not allowed.
I will be dropping them a line letting them know that they have lost a customer. That we spend between 70 and 80 dollars on an average visit. That Claim Jumper loves our business, firearms and all.


When I complain to a restaurant about anything I send them a copy of my receipts from other restaurants for the next few months.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
When I complain to a restaurant about anything I send them a copy of my receipts from other restaurants for the next few months.


As for a substitute in Henderson, BJ's Brewhouse has outstanding food and drinks, and I've always been happy with their service. I'm a regular at a different location.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
We (greater Richmond OCers) used to occasionally have dinners at Outback - they had no problem with us. We OTOH got tired of the extremely poor service and have not returned.

No problem at Carrabba’s Italian Grill on Midlothian Trnpk but personally acquainted with the manager.
Will "We" continue to patronize a anti-liberty establishment?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Will "We" continue to patronize a anti-liberty establishment?
While I understand the commonly held belief of not giving money to such businesses and by and large support that decision, I have employed a different tactic on occasion with notable success frequently.

If "we" are not asked to leave then we paint a portrait of non threatening, acceptability for all to see. Staff, managers, and customers alike are educated and IMO the cause of liberty is furthered.

OCers are a distinct minority within the field of those who carry - they only way we can increase our presence is by shining a bright light on our efforts. "We" carry such a light for that particular purpose.

A partial list of successes includes: Outback, Carrabba’s, Waffle House, Olive Garden & Red Lobster (they were unfriendly at the time), Fuddrucker's, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Virginia Military Academy.

Of significant reference is upon entering and being recognized by a corporate representative from Southeastern Waffles (parent company of Waffle House on this side of the country) all in the establishment heard his clear loud voice exclaim, "Where have you been? We have missed you!" You can't buy that kind of acceptance or education....and I got a free meal that day too - if customers didn't know, the staff did.

At Carrabba's my manager friend doesn't just greet me with a smile, she throws her arms around me and squeezes my bones to near breaking point - then seats me herself and brings me the latest dish of choice - all with a flair to be noticed. Footnote: I was instrumental in her getting her CHP, training, and a pistol - can't/won't say whether she carries at work.

Bottom line - "We" will utilize many different tools in our kit bag to further accomplish benefits to our RKBA. None will go unexplored on the sole basis that someone has suggested/declared that is jus' wrong.

Maybe I just hear a different drummer. I have to wonder though that if a considerably larger quantity of OCers went into the woods with a similar conduct how much more success we might enjoy. What is there to lose? We normalize OC by practicing it daily as we go about our everyday lives.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
While I understand the commonly held belief of not giving money to such businesses and by and large support that decision, I have employed a different tactic on occasion with notable success frequently.

A "yes" would have been just fine.

Maybe you do not know the answer to the next question. Do OCers who are unknown to the "management", unlike you, receive respect for OCing in a no gun establishment?

If they do, a hearty and well deserved job well done!

If they do not?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
A "yes" would have been just fine.

Maybe you do not know the answer to the next question. Do OCers who are unknown to the "management", unlike you, receive respect for OCing in a no gun establishment?

If they do, a hearty and well deserved job well done!

If they do not?
A simple yes would explained neither the why or how of my actions - the goal being to induce others to do likewise.

"Respect for OCing in no gun establishments?" - Yes where the groundwork has been laid successfully.

If they do not, then the j.o.b. is not done yet - more work is needed. We win some, we lose some, but gain nothing if we don't try.


Regular Member
Aug 1, 2012
Pointy end and slightly to the left
I won’t go in if I know for sure they are anti gun and chase off OCers. However I will enter a place even if the corporate policy is anti gun but has not chaise off OCers. I walk in like I own the place if they are anti gun they will have to have the balls to confront me and ask me face to face to leave. This give me an opportunity to educate them and a chance to talk to a manager letting them know of the loss of costumers who are not criminals because those costumers have had a back ground checks and the additional killing zone dangers of their no legal guns allowed rule.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation

If they do not, then the j.o.b. is not done yet - more work is needed. We win some, we lose some, but gain nothing if we don't try.
If you are granted permission, yet others are not, the j.o.b. remains not done. How long will you support that establishment with your business? They enjoy your business and do not suffer from not gaining new business.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
If you are granted permission, yet others are not, the j.o.b. remains not done. How long will you support that establishment with your business? They enjoy your business and do not suffer from not gaining new business.
First - "supporting" a business or penalizing them by not is hardly accomplished through my efforts alone. Even a favorite entity over the course of a year will likely not generate enough profit from me to pay for their trash removal service one time.

If I do not make definitive progress even after moving up the food chain, I walk away - Cracker Barrel is one example.

There are too many businesses that do not infringe on RKBA to contribute to an anti freedom establishment w/o just reason. Leave them where they fall and even kick them to the side of the road. There are other ways of working on such problems.
Last edited:

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
First - "supporting" a business or penalizing them by not is hardly accomplished through my efforts alone. Even a favorite entity over the course of a year will likely not generate enough profit from me to pay for their trash removal service one time.

If I do not make definitive progress even after moving up the food chain, I walk away - Cracker Barrel is one example.

There are too many businesses that do not infringe on RKBA to contribute to an anti freedom establishment w/o just reason. Leave them where they fall and even kick them to the side of the road. There are other ways of working on such problems.

When did Cracker Barrel change? I have been in the one in St George UT and the one in Kingman AZ many times with no issues. It is one of my wife's favorites. They are in fact building 2 of them here in Las Vegas to open later in the summer.



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
When did Cracker Barrel change? I have been in the one in St George UT and the one in Kingman AZ many times with no issues. It is one of my wife's favorites. They are in fact building 2 of them here in Las Vegas to open later in the summer.


See post #4
Dear Mr. Sanderlin,

Thank you for taking the time to share your comments with all of us here at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. We're always pleased to hear from our guests.

Open Carry Policy
As we work to achieve our mission of Pleasing People, one of our top priorities is the safety and comfort of our guests, both external and internal. Because of this, and because it is our intent to provide our guests and employees with a relaxed, comfortable, family-oriented environment, we feel its important to review our open carry policy.

Simply stated, our policy is that we will not seat or serve patrons who are openly carrying or wearing firearms unless the patrons are law enforcement officers, security guards, or uniformed military personnel.

We look forward to seeing you in one of our locations again soon.


Sandra Vance
Guest Relations Representative
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
First - "supporting" a business or penalizing them by not is hardly accomplished through my efforts alone. Even a favorite entity over the course of a year will likely not generate enough profit from me to pay for their trash removal service one time.

If I do not make definitive progress even after moving up the food chain, I walk away - Cracker Barrel is one example.

There are too many businesses that do not infringe on RKBA to contribute to an anti freedom establishment w/o just reason. Leave them where they fall and even kick them to the side of the road. There are other ways of working on such problems.
True on all accounts for Cracker Barrel.

The impact from a few on a true-local anti-liberty establishment can be more effective. A true-local is more closely tied to their neighbors. You have your methods and I extend my utmost respect Sir.

The Big Guy

Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
Waco, TX
No reply

I have not received a response from my letter. I have however sent copies of receipts from my visits to Black Bear Diner and Claim Jumper.



Jun 18, 2015
I have not received a response from my letter. I have however sent copies of receipts from my visits to Black Bear Diner and Claim Jumper.


I'd send them Outback receipts if I had any.
"I loved eating with you, but alas, you have chosen to put out the unwelcome mat for me, so I'll have to take my business elsewhere from now on..."