Will "We" continue to patronize a anti-liberty establishment?
While I understand the commonly held belief of not giving money to such businesses and by and large support that decision, I have employed a different tactic on occasion with notable success frequently.
If "we" are not asked to leave then we paint a portrait of non threatening, acceptability for all to see. Staff, managers, and customers alike are educated and IMO the cause of liberty is furthered.
OCers are a distinct minority within the field of those who carry - they only way we can increase our presence is by shining a bright light on our efforts. "We" carry such a light for that particular purpose.
A partial list of successes includes: Outback, Carrabba’s, Waffle House, Olive Garden & Red Lobster (they were unfriendly at the time), Fuddrucker's, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Virginia Military Academy.
Of significant reference is upon entering and being recognized by a corporate representative from Southeastern Waffles (parent company of Waffle House on this side of the country) all in the establishment heard his clear loud voice exclaim, "Where have you been? We have missed you!" You can't buy that kind of acceptance or education....and I got a free meal that day too - if customers didn't know, the staff did.
At Carrabba's my manager friend doesn't just greet me with a smile, she throws her arms around me and squeezes my bones to near breaking point - then seats me herself and brings me the latest dish of choice - all with a flair to be noticed. Footnote: I was instrumental in her getting her CHP, training, and a pistol - can't/won't say whether she carries at work.
Bottom line - "We" will utilize many different tools in our kit bag to further accomplish benefits to our RKBA. None will go unexplored on the sole basis that someone has suggested/declared that is jus' wrong.
Maybe I just hear a different drummer. I have to wonder though that if a considerably larger quantity of OCers went into the woods with a similar conduct how much more success we might enjoy. What is there to lose? We normalize OC by practicing it daily as we go about our everyday lives.