I have been inactive here for several reasons. Having a decent job (finally!) is one of them. Well, that job is why I'm here. I work the front counter in a family-friendly fast food establishment. And that's why I'm posting this.
Listen, I'm all for open carry. Open carry, concealed carry, whatever floats your boat. But the Right to Keep & Bear Arms isn't for the timid. It's for those with the balls and the brains to take a stand against the evils this world has in wait. And one of those is common sense.
You see, it is not uncommon to see people open carry. That's fine. If they're happy, I'm happy. But there was an incident that almost got me in hot water because of the right to open carry in Utah. I came to work one evening, and right in front of me was an older guy OC'ing. And right before he got to the door, he unsnapped his holster. Unsnapped his holster? Making it easy to draw/brandish? Yep. And I confronted him on this.
There are no threats in the eatery. None. Men, women & children, and a couple of grandparents. No hoodlum. No gangstas. No trouble makers at all. And he unsnaps his holster? So when I confronted him, he says "I'm certified" or something like that. Certified? You mean a certified fruit loop? He said he's experienced. Weeeelllll, I'm experienced as well. And I think he is seriously lacking in thinking power.
Listen guys, There is this little thing that is called "situational awareness". "Scene awareness" is another name. It's the art of knowing what the hell is going on around you and using that data collection to decide your next move. And going into a fast food joint and preparing for having to draw down, in Utah of all places, is downright stupid. If you saw how the OC laws are, you might understand. If you feel that you area going into an environment that is or could be hostile, unless you're a cop, don't go in. Just call the cops to report the hostile environment, and leave. You're not Jesus, you're not Superman, if you feel it is unsafe enough to unsnap your holster, just don't go in.
What bothers me so much about this is that an unsecured weapon is far more dangerous than a secured weapon. I don't want to deprive you of your God-given right, just be respectful. If you feel threatened, tell staff and leave. You're not a cop (or you would OC differently, if at all), you're no Jesus and you're not superman. I just don't want an accident to happen.
These are the general laws *that I know of*, courtesy of Wiki. The actual laws are a mess.
Am I the only one with this concern?
Listen, I'm all for open carry. Open carry, concealed carry, whatever floats your boat. But the Right to Keep & Bear Arms isn't for the timid. It's for those with the balls and the brains to take a stand against the evils this world has in wait. And one of those is common sense.
You see, it is not uncommon to see people open carry. That's fine. If they're happy, I'm happy. But there was an incident that almost got me in hot water because of the right to open carry in Utah. I came to work one evening, and right in front of me was an older guy OC'ing. And right before he got to the door, he unsnapped his holster. Unsnapped his holster? Making it easy to draw/brandish? Yep. And I confronted him on this.
There are no threats in the eatery. None. Men, women & children, and a couple of grandparents. No hoodlum. No gangstas. No trouble makers at all. And he unsnaps his holster? So when I confronted him, he says "I'm certified" or something like that. Certified? You mean a certified fruit loop? He said he's experienced. Weeeelllll, I'm experienced as well. And I think he is seriously lacking in thinking power.
Listen guys, There is this little thing that is called "situational awareness". "Scene awareness" is another name. It's the art of knowing what the hell is going on around you and using that data collection to decide your next move. And going into a fast food joint and preparing for having to draw down, in Utah of all places, is downright stupid. If you saw how the OC laws are, you might understand. If you feel that you area going into an environment that is or could be hostile, unless you're a cop, don't go in. Just call the cops to report the hostile environment, and leave. You're not Jesus, you're not Superman, if you feel it is unsafe enough to unsnap your holster, just don't go in.
What bothers me so much about this is that an unsecured weapon is far more dangerous than a secured weapon. I don't want to deprive you of your God-given right, just be respectful. If you feel threatened, tell staff and leave. You're not a cop (or you would OC differently, if at all), you're no Jesus and you're not superman. I just don't want an accident to happen.
These are the general laws *that I know of*, courtesy of Wiki. The actual laws are a mess.
May carry openly without permit if 21 or older.
For those 18 to 21, open carry of a loaded firearm (e.g., a live round of ammunition in the firing chamber) is allowed with a permit.
Open carry of firearm without a permit is allowed as long as the gun is at least two actions from being fired, e.g. 1) rack the slide to chamber, and 2) pull the trigger; or must carry with no bullet in the next chamber in a revolver, so have to pull the trigger twice to fire.
Am I the only one with this concern?