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Open carry at library?


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2012
So i was thinking of attending some humane society BS about coyotes which im assuming will be peace love and let them eat you fufu pet to voice my own opinion. Since this is being held at a public library i believe (and that is why im asking prior to the event) that i can open carry and they cannot legally remove me for only carrying a pistol.

has anyone OCed at the library? it will be at the library on warm springs across from the metro station.


Thanks in advance


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2015
Sparks, NV
I'm up north, but I OC when I go to my local libraries. I have not had any issues, other than 'looks' from patrons and employees.
Be aware that with a crowd of people around, more likely you will be noticed and commented on. But you are legal, so they can't exclude you just because you're OCing.

Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk


Regular Member
May 31, 2007
, ,
Another member reports OC in a local library without issue recently, no guarantees.

Interesting grocery trip to Smiths. Saw an elderly gentleman with a MKIII sized pepper spray (or OC to use LE types) on his belt alone.


No issues OCing at the Paseo Verde library yesterday. Heard the nice genealogy folks whispering about me when I went away after their little tour-offer 'ambush'.



Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014
I've only personally been to the Paseo Verde library, which is the Henderson District. The Las Vegas district will be different. A few places have been snippy about it. But now that's SB 175 went into effect, there should be no issue at all. In fact, if they were to arrest you or throw you out, they'd be seriously liable for damages.

You'll probably get words and whispers and I'd suggest arriving early in case the manager or security guard wants to chat. Print out a copy of SB175. Probably nothing will happen. And if something does happen, your friendly Nevada gun-rights activist-journalist is here to help!


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
If ever asked/told/demanded that you leave or take your gun outside, do so or risk arrest and having to pay for your defense - probably going to win.......eventually.

Better to go home afterward and go up the food chain of those responsible.

You do carry a recorder turned on 24/7 when you are out......right?


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...You do carry a recorder turned on 24/7 when you are out......right?

I don't. It's easy to complacent in Nevada.

As for your other post:

DO NOT USE Grapeshot's link to get legal advice for Nevada!!!

Grapeshot, we've cautioned you in the past. You really need to stop linking to that armsinfo website. I don't have the hours it would take to point out all of its legal errors. It is many years out of date even when it isn't just wrong.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I don't. It's easy to complacent in Nevada.

As for your other post:

DO NOT USE Grapeshot's link to get legal advice for Nevada!!!

Have deleted the reference/link - will look to avoid such in the future - deferring to locals.
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Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
This was a email to me in June. After this email they stopped corresponding with me. Next week I am gearing up to test the Rainbow branch again.

Thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We would certainly like to see you come in and renew your library card and pay your fines so that you may utilize the great resources the Library District has to offer.

The information from the recent bills is being reviewed by the District’s legal counsel and management team. Currently, library policy bans bringing firearms into our buildings in order to protect the health and safety of our patrons. We are evaluating the changes in the law, which are expected to become effective 10/01/15, and you may not bring your firearm into the building until such evaluation is complete.

Best Regards,

Mario Aguilar
Assistant Library Operations Director
Las Vegas-Clark County Library District
Anniversary Logo_small


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014
Have deleted the reference/link - will look to avoid such in the future - deferring to locals.

NevadaCarry.org -cough -cough- Lol

As for recording, if I anticipate anything (which never pans out) I turn my voice recorder app on my phone on and stuff it in my pocket. The body cam clipped to my shirt is rather conspicuous and I'd rather just be a dude going about my business.

This was a email to me in June. After this email they stopped corresponding with me. Next week I am gearing up to test the Rainbow branch again.

If you're going on a Saturday I can, uh, observe for journalistic purposes...


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2012
It will be either wed or thurs. Keep you updated.

well myself and at least one other from nevada shooters should be today (thursday at 530) due to the anti hunters, so im going to attend the event while Ocing to both make them (the anti hunters) as uncomfortable as possible and to make sure they (the library) are following the law.

I will also test metros response times since its literally across the street from the warm springs substation.


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2014

That section is 1, overly broad, and 2, the preemption laws utterly destroy any ability they have: "(b) The regulation of the transfer, sale, purchase, possession, carrying, ownership, transportation, storage, registration and licensing of firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition in this State and the ability to define such terms is within the exclusive domain of the Legislature, and any other law, regulation, rule or ordinance to the contrary is null and void." In Clark County, the library districts are supervised by the county commission and the library lords (my term) are appointed by the county too, so preemption definitely does apply. Some jacka-- lackey might throw that out there, but we're not that stupid and I really doubt their counsel would be willing to test that in court, especially facing treble damages.


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2012
That section is 1, overly broad, and 2, the preemption laws utterly destroy any ability they have: "(b) The regulation of the transfer, sale, purchase, possession, carrying, ownership, transportation, storage, registration and licensing of firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition in this State and the ability to define such terms is within the exclusive domain of the Legislature, and any other law, regulation, rule or ordinance to the contrary is null and void." In Clark County, the library districts are supervised by the county commission and the library lords (my term) are appointed by the county too, so preemption definitely does apply. Some jacka-- lackey might throw that out there, but we're not that stupid and I really doubt their counsel would be willing to test that in court, especially facing treble damages.

I mentioned that sb 175 removed all pre emption. She said our legal counsel said we are within our rights. Assuming all use the same legal team why have the others oked open carry.

Also I mentioned that rule is quite broad and in my eyes means you cannot restrict my access. Amanda said otherwise.


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
That section is 1, overly broad, and 2, the preemption laws utterly destroy any ability they have: "(b) The regulation of the transfer, sale, purchase, possession, carrying, ownership, transportation, storage, registration and licensing of firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition in this State and the ability to define such terms is within the exclusive domain of the Legislature, and any other law, regulation, rule or ordinance to the contrary is null and void." In Clark County, the library districts are supervised by the county commission and the library lords (my term) are appointed by the county too, so preemption definitely does apply. Some jacka-- lackey might throw that out there, but we're not that stupid and I really doubt their counsel would be willing to test that in court, especially facing treble damages.

That is the same law they were standing on as well with me. Soooooo whats our next move? Stand our ground and make them call metro?
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Regular Member
Jul 19, 2012
That is the same law they were standing on as well with me. Soooooo whats our next move? Stand our ground and make them call metro?

Well I wrote an email to the sheriff to ask what he perceives the law to be. If we can get metro to say SB 175 rules here I will forward it to them and ask if they really want to call metro whose sheriff has said that your nrs does not allow it. Fingers crossed


Regular Member
Apr 15, 2008
Las Vegas NV, ,
Well I wrote an email to the sheriff to ask what he perceives the law to be. If we can get metro to say SB 175 rules here I will forward it to them and ask if they really want to call metro whose sheriff has said that your nrs does not allow it. Fingers crossed

Ummmm I would never ask the cops for legal stand on something. They really dont know or care.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
STOP BRINGING COPS INTO THIS after the incident, People! You are smarter than that!

1. They don't care.
2. They themselves are the biggest law-breakers in the state when it comes to this law.
3. They don't care.
4. They should have more important things to do and will pretend they do.
5. They don't care.

Who knows how to do the paperwork to start the lawsuit? THAT's your next step! What are we talking about? Some paperwork and a filing fee? We'll crowd-source the fee right here.

We just need someone that knows what papers to file.

It is clear they are in the wrong. They little paragraph they showed you does not say they can do whatever they see fit. It says they can adopt regulations. This is not something done at a scene they don't like, but an official process that produces a regulation in writing.

Unfortunately, that might be what ends this. If they don't have an anti-carry regulation in writing, the lawsuit may not work for that (where are all the gun-friendly attorneys?). But there may be a different avenue of approach for unlawful trespassing from a public facility.

Our "problem" is our politeness. Had you stood your ground and forced their hand, you'd have the cops involved, and a slam dunk for the lawsuit. But, honestly, I don't have the confrontational personality to do stuff like that either.

Get in touch with Amanda tomorrow. Start with an "apology," and tell her you are officially requesting (under Nevada's open records act) the actual 'adopted regulation' that the book she showed you said they can do.
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