OC at Galleria Mall Henderson
Went out For a visit to my local mall with my wife and 2 year old daughter was OC a .45 Ruger spent an overall good visit until the end. Made sure to check for any signs that regulated OC or firearms before entering there was nothing posted so I continued shopping passed by a couple of security guards and even used the urnial next to one with out any question of my OC. Final after being there acouple of hours as I was walking to the escalators with my daugther in my hands. I was approached by a security guard confronting me on OC telling me no weapons were allowed on mall premsis and I had to leave immediately. As I was already leaving I thought nothing of it until he than proceeded to Harras me and my family over the radio followed by an escort. That got me a little upset being as I had done nothing wrong and was being escorted out of the mall with my family as a shop lifter would. What should I have done ? Any stories like this before at the galleria ?
When I lived in Las Vegas I worked for the security company that provided security guards to the Galleria Mall at Sunset. I'll give you a little background on the no-firearms policy at that mall.
The Galleria Mall at Sunset is owned by a corporation that is anti second amendment on all the properties they own. I was assigned to the GM@S for a brief while. The security staff is managed be a retired Henderson PD detective who runs the security staff much like a mini-police departments. Some of the information I am aware of is proprietary but I can help explain the no-firearms policy for those who have concerns about this issues.
No Firearms Signs
There are signs indicating that firearms are not authorized near each entrance door. When I was assigned that they were adjacent to the entrance doors but were not very large. But the mall management does have signs indicating the no-firearms policy.
Customers With Firearms
If a customer is observed by either a security officer or a customer who has reported to the security staff you will be contacted by a security officer. The officer should respectfully and tactfully should approach you and advise you that firearms are not permitted at the GM@S. The security officer will request that you either leave the mall and secure your firearm in your vehicle and continue shopping unarmed. The security officer will then escort you to your car. A supervisor may or may not be contacted. After doing this you are more than welcome to continue to shop without your firearm.
What the Security Guard Will NOT Tell You
Every incident of a customer is discovered carrying a firearm it is policy for the security officer to generate an "Incident Report" which will be kept on file in the security office at the mall. They will want you to provide as much information as you are comfortable providing them. This will include your name, address, etc. for the report. The security officer will write down your vehicle information when he escorts you to your vehicle. This is standard operating procedure.
What You Should NOT Do
-Don't give the security officer a difficult time about being confronted when carrying a firearm. Security is not trying to insult your. They are only carrying out the policy of the mall management. It is NOT personal!
- Don't provide security ANY personal information whatsoever if you decided to leave the mall and secure your firearm in your vehicle. Any information you provide will be kept on file in the security office. Less information is better!
Speaking from personal experience I have the unfortunate duty to escort someone open carrying a handgun to his car. Despite the fact that I am VERY pro-second amendment I had a job to do! As I mentioned earlier, the GM@S security manager was/is a retired Henderson PD detective. He runs the security staff with all the gusto of a mini-police departments.
I hope that this helps you understand the no-firearms policy at the Galleria Mall at Sunset.