I live near Durham (UNH) and OC and have more people tell me there happy to see a person carrying a gun. Bringing a video camera to a movie would be worse than carrying a gun to one. In my mind if someone calls the police be a nice guy, not like the ass hats that give the police a hard time when they ask for I.D. I f you got nothing to hide what’s wrong with them checking you out.
Hmm.. I"ll always be polite and cordial to police even though, for the most part they do behave like uneducated animals when interacting with the tax payers and constitution they swore to protect. That being said, If the poice ARE called, I dont believe they have ANY legal reason to remove me from the theater unless they have probable cause. My fourth amendment rights still stand even after a mass shooting. They should not trample my rights and question my ownership and posession of a firearm anymore than they should question the guy with a softdrink as to where or not he paid for it. Thats the law. My question was with regard to whether or not the Hooksett Police (and likely State Police) will violate my civil liberties, interrupt my movie going experience, attempt to illegally disarm me and possiblely arrest me without cause.
If the police stop me to ask me a question about ANYTHING the default answer is 'am I being detained??'. If the answer is no, I'll be on my way. The only thing they can ask me for (unless driving a vehicle) is my verbal name and what town I live in. I have no legal obligation to furnish a firearms permit, drivers license or any other form of ID. Nor am I required to answer any of their questions. There is supposed to be a system of checks and balances in this country. Most people surrender their liberties as quickly as they can either to 'help' the police do their job or becuase they didn't even know they had them. Sorry, but I will not be making anything easier for them. I sure as hell know they dont make anything easier for me.
But if you want to OC I'd call ahead and ask the manager/owner if they'll allow it, mention how being armed is responsible and deters or at least provide some sort of protection against mass murderers.
Ugh... Wont be doing that either. Unless there is AMPLE signage on the building I have no obligation to make any attempts to be turned away until aproached on the property. Why would I call an ignorant manager scared to death of guns just to have him make up his own policy and tell me no?
If it's corporate policy, it will be posted.
My question was what do people thing the response would be by local / state police if they recieved a call? Living in NH, would they just send someone down code-1 to take a walk through the theater maybe try to ask a question or two or would they roll SWAT and lock the place down?
If it were our neighbors to the south, I know it'd be the latter. But being in NH and some of you possibly being NH LEOs, I'm wondering what the response attitude would be with a 'man with a gun'. Is he shooting or doing anything dangerous? 'NO!!!!! HE'S BUYING A TICKET TO A MOVIE!!!!'