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NRA and open carry


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
It means you either did not read the whole sentence or you made a dishonest post intended to ignore the whole sentence.

Simple questions are beyond you, eh?
Afraid that if you answered it you might show your what? intentions? dishonesty? ignorance? simple mistake?
Allow me to answer the question for you

The sentence says that if you obtain a license you can STILL open carry

IOW, anyone who can legally own a gun can carry it
IOW, OC is a right in Ohio that does NOT need a license and those who have that license STILL retain that right.

Nothing dishonest about it, but then, I'm not the guy who is posting quotes without a link to where it came from
I suppose that I were the type of person who did that I very well might call people who try to point out the honest meaning of your post dishonest too.
It's obvious your intentions are neither good nor honest
Looks like projection to me

I posted their EXACT words, if you want to link it, just do it. Considering you could only read one word out of a paragraph you should not be making comments about intelligence.

Or maybe just trolling

In any event, that sentence makes it clear that a license is not required to OC in Ohio,,,,

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
How sad.

We have all of these so called gun-rights groups either filing lawsuits opposing Open Carry or filing amicus briefs supporting the lawsuits which oppose Open Carry and when someone tries to shine a light on the cockroaches, the kool-aid drinkers come out en masse to defend the cockroaches.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
What's even sadder is we have you in here making accusations against these groups without backing them up,,,,

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
How sad.

We have all of these so called gun-rights groups either filing lawsuits opposing Open Carry or filing amicus briefs supporting the lawsuits which oppose Open Carry and when someone tries to shine a light on the cockroaches, the kool-aid drinkers come out en masse to defend the cockroaches.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry

Spare me, rolling gutter balls will not win the game.

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
What's even sadder is we have you in here making accusations against these groups without backing them up,,,,

Anyone who does not know how to find a brief filed in a Federal lawsuit or to find a published court decision, state or Federal, has no right to even comment.

There should be a minimal level of intelligence required to post. A minimal level notably lacking in the concealed carry proponents who are far too numerous here, in an Open Carry forum.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Anyone who does not know how to find a brief filed in a Federal lawsuit or to find a published court decision, state or Federal, has no right to even comment.

There should be a minimal level of intelligence required to post. A minimal level notably lacking in the concealed carry proponents who are far too numerous here, in an Open Carry forum.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry
You're doing just great with your reputation rehabilitation, Charles. Just great. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It's a wonder how anyone on these forums got along without your presence, and your laser-like memory of law. Really. :rolleyes:

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
You're doing just great with your reputation rehabilitation, Charles. Just great. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

It's a wonder how anyone on these forums got along without your presence, and your laser-like memory of law. Really. :rolleyes:

Even more amazing are the concealed carry proponents who shout their ignorance from the rooftops and who are seemingly proud of their lack of intelligence.

Yet more proof of the wisdom of Justice Scalia when he wrote in Heller:

"[A] right to carry arms openly: "This is the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and which is calculated to incite men to a manly and noble defence of themselves, if necessary, and of their country, without any tendency to secret advantages and unmanly assassinations."

The wonderful thing about prohibitions on concealed carry is that it tends to weed out the concealed carry types who fantasize about skulking around town in the hope they will be able to use their concealed weapon in a surprise attack.

Cowardice, immorality and stupidity are the common traits of the Open Carry opponents. Tis a pity we live in a world where they are in the majority.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
Anyone who does not know how to find a brief filed in a Federal lawsuit or to find a published court decision, state or Federal, has no right to even comment.

There should be a minimal level of intelligence required to post. A minimal level notably lacking in the concealed carry proponents who are far too numerous here, in an Open Carry forum.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry

Oh, how lovely!
A person who is claiming to be for individual rights is telling others they have no right!

Bottom line is you are lying, pal.
You made an empty claim about an organization thousands of miles away from you and you can't back it up with facts
That makes you a p u s s y,,,,
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California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
Oh, how lovely!
A person who is claiming to be for individual rights is telling others they have no right!

Bottom line is you are lying, pal.
You made an empty claim about an organization thousands of miles away from you and you can't back it up with facts
That makes you a p u s s y,,,,

If you are referring to the Amicus briefs filed by Buckeye Firearms, it has already been pointed out that they can be found at the Buckeye Firearms website. It took me about two seconds to find them.

The fact that you can't find them makes you incompetent.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Even more amazing are the concealed carry proponents who shout their ignorance from the rooftops and who are seemingly proud of their lack of intelligence.

Yet more proof of the wisdom of Justice Scalia when he wrote in Heller:

"[A] right to carry arms openly: "This is the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and which is calculated to incite men to a manly and noble defence of themselves, if necessary, and of their country, without any tendency to secret advantages and unmanly assassinations."

The wonderful thing about prohibitions on concealed carry is that it tends to weed out the concealed carry types who fantasize about skulking around town in the hope they will be able to use their concealed weapon in a surprise attack.

Cowardice, immorality and stupidity are the common traits of the Open Carry opponents. Tis a pity we live in a world where they are in the majority.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry
Your like a bastard child calling his mother a ***** and then complains when she won't let him suckle.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2009
Logan, OH

I did some research of my own and came to the conclusion that the group, California Right To Carry, is actually vehemently anti-gun.

Their president files weakly formed and poorly though out lawsuits that may further damage gun rights instead of strengthening them.

So we probably shouldn't pay him much attention.

Please let me know if anyone would like ME to cite links to MY research.


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
If you are referring to the Amicus briefs filed by Buckeye Firearms, it has already been pointed out that they can be found at the Buckeye Firearms website. It took me about two seconds to find them.

The fact that you can't find them makes you incompetent.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry

You've spent much more time than that sidestepping your lies
Bottom line is you can't prove it

I looked at your website and I agree with MWSY,
You are an antigun troll and your website contains malware
At least my alarms went off when I looked at it,,,,

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
I did some research of my own and came to the conclusion that the group, California Right To Carry, is actually vehemently anti-gun.

Their president files weakly formed and poorly though out lawsuits that may further damage gun rights instead of strengthening them.

So we probably shouldn't pay him much attention.

Please let me know if anyone would like ME to cite links to MY research.

Which just goes to show what a *****poor "researcher" you are.

I have always argued in my Open Carry lawsuit that the Heller court meant exactly what it said, nothing more and nothing less. The Heller Court said that Open Carry is the right guaranteed by the Constitution and that concealed carry can be prohibited.

I have eviscerated California Attorney General Harris' arguments to such a degree, in her final brief in opposition to my motion for partial summary judgment, she claims that the intent of the Framer's in enacting the Second Amendment was to curry favor with Southern Slave patrols and therefore overturning California's 1967 ban on Loaded Open Carry would be overturning the Second Amendment.

So by all means, publish your "research." It should be entertaining to say the least.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry

"[A] right to carry arms openly: "This is the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and which is calculated to incite men to a manly and noble defence of themselves, if necessary, and of their country, without any tendency to secret advantages and unmanly assassinations."" District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 - Supreme Court (2008) at 2809.
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2009
Logan, OH
Buckeye Firearms Foundation (BFF) is the non-profit arm of Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA)

Wollard v. Gallagher & Wollard v. Sheridan were about changing "may-issue" licensing to "shall-issue" licensing.

Maryland does NOT allow open or concealed carry without a permit.

The amicus brief in Wollard that BFF submitted was an excellent read, in my non-lawyer opinion.

Nowhere in these cases, nor the brief, did I see anything arguing for or against open carry specifically.

That makes sense, as that is NOT what was at issue.

As to the footnote from the BFA website, you must first consider that Ohio is, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, an open carry state. That footnote ONLY dealt with a concealed handgun license question...yes, with a CHL you can still open carry. There is no need to explain further that WITHOUT a CHL you can also carry.

To think this means BFA/BFF is against open carry is to HORRIBLY take the citation out of context.

Ohio's two premier gun rights organizations are Ohioans for Concealed Carry (OFCC) and BFA.

Although BB62 will be along shortly to disagree with me about OFCC, both of these organizations support open carry!

California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
Buckeye Firearms Foundation (BFF) is the non-profit arm of Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA)

Wollard v. Gallagher & Wollard v. Sheridan were about changing "may-issue" licensing to "shall-issue" licensing.

Maryland does NOT allow open or concealed carry without a permit.

Wrong, Maryland does not prohibit the Open Carry of long guns. The permit would have enabled persons to carry handguns concealed. Gura argued extensively in his briefs that states can ban Open Carry if they want to. In his cert petition, he said that the manner of carry was not at issue. Hence, Gura attempted to obtain concealed carry despite the Heller Court saying that concealed carry can be banned.

The amicus brief in Wollard that BFF submitted was an excellent read, in my non-lawyer opinion.

Nowhere in these cases, nor the brief, did I see anything arguing for or against open carry specifically.

That makes sense, as that is NOT what was at issue.

An Amicus has three choices. It can either file an Amicus brief that is for one side, against one side or neither for nor against one side. When an Amicus files a brief for one side, as Buckeye Firearms did in Woollard, it embraced the arguments made by Gura. The Buckeye Firearms Amicus Brief had the opportunity to argue in favor of Open Carry and, as you say, it did not.

As to the footnote from the BFA website, you must first consider that Ohio is, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, an open carry state. That footnote ONLY dealt with a concealed handgun license question...yes, with a CHL you can still open carry. There is no need to explain further that WITHOUT a CHL you can also carry.

Where is the tab for Open Carry at the BFA website? I looked around and couldn't find any support for Open Carry.

To think this means BFA/BFF is against open carry is to HORRIBLY take the citation out of context.

Not my citation, and not one I ran across at their site. Which goes to show that someone looked harder and that was the best he could find.

Ohio's two premier gun rights organizations are Ohioans for Concealed Carry (OFCC) and BFA.

Although BB62 will be along shortly to disagree with me about OFCC, both of these organizations support open carry!

This is the first I have heard of Ohioans for Concealed Carry but the name of their organization suggests that they are concealed carry proponents.

On the other hand my organization, California Right To Carry, fully embraces the right to bear arms as defined by the US Supreme Court in Heller. Open Carry is the right guaranteed by the Constitution and, with few exceptions such as for travelers while on a journey, there is no Second Amendment right to concealed carry in public.

Three years ago, I was of a different mind. I supported the Second Amendment Right as understood by the Framer's when it was adopted in 1791. There were no prohibitions on the carrying of concealed weapons but there were significant prohibitions on the use of concealed weapons which were:

If one enters into an otherwise fair fight with the intention of using the concealed weapon and he uses it to kill his opponent then he is guilty of murder.
If one enters into an otherwise fair fight without the intention of using the concealed weapon and he uses it to kill his opponent then he is guilty of manslaughter.
If one does not engage in an otherwise fair fight but uses his concealed weapon to kill an attacker, such as a robber then no crime has been committed.

The various concealed carry proponents from CalGuns, NRA, CRPA, SAF, here and elsewhere have convinced me that Justice Scalia was correct in embracing the 19th Century prohibitions on concealed carry that were in effect when the 14th Amendment was adopted (1868) and the McDonald Court was correct when it incorporated those concealed carry prohibitions in Heller to all state and local governments.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry

"[A] right to carry arms openly: "This is the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and which is calculated to incite men to a manly and noble defence of themselves, if necessary, and of their country, without any tendency to secret advantages and unmanly assassinations."" District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 - Supreme Court (2008) at 2809.


New member
Dec 24, 2013
San Clemente
what does opposition mean

what does opposition mean

doesn't it = AGAINST?

nice answer

An Amicus has three choices. It can either file an Amicus brief that is for one side, against one side or neither for nor against one side. When an Amicus files a brief for one side, as Buckeye Firearms did in Woollard, it embraced the arguments made by Gura. The Buckeye Firearms Amicus Brief had the opportunity to argue in favor of Open Carry and, as you say, it did not.
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California Right To Carry

Regular Member
Dec 21, 2013
United States
what does opposition mean

doesn't it = AGAINST?

Indeed, opposition does mean "against" and the major so called gun-rights groups all oppose (are against) Open Carry.

But one would have to read their briefs and listen to their oral arguments in the Federal concealed carry lawsuits to know this. For some groups, like CalGuns, whose members are vehemently opposed to Open Carry, it matters not. I suspect that many, if not most, members of the NRA would be surprised to discover that the NRA currently has not one but two Federal lawsuits pending before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which claim that California can ban Open Carry if it wants to (Peruta v. San Diego and McKay v. Hutchens). The NRA, it its opening brief in Peruta, begs the court to give them their concealed carry permits and "warns" the court that if they don't get them then that would entail the overturning of both the 1967 Loaded Open Carry ban (the unloaded open carry bans had not yet been enacted when the brief was filed) and would entail the overturning of California's Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995.

The NRA said that would be "drastic."

So you see, not only does the NRA oppose Open Carry it supports California's Gun Free School Zone law. The NRA also got an assistant clerk at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to stay the appeal of my preliminary injunction against California's bans on Open Carry (both loaded and unloaded).

Folks needn't take my word for it. The NRA lawyer, Chuck Michel, has a copy of his opening brief posted at his website here.

For the benefit of those who bother to read it, "PC 12031" is the "Black Panther Open Carry ban" that was enacted in July of 1967. It has since been renumbered, in part, to PC 25850 effective January 1, 2012. California's Gun Free School Zone law is PC 626.9, it was not renumbered.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry

"[A] right to carry arms openly: "This is the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and which is calculated to incite men to a manly and noble defence of themselves, if necessary, and of their country, without any tendency to secret advantages and unmanly assassinations."" District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 - Supreme Court (2008) at 2809.


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2010
, Ohio, USA
Where is the tab for Open Carry at the BFA website? I looked around and couldn't find any support for Open Carry.

What are you? Illiterate? Incompetent? Piss-poor?
To quote my new friend:

The fact that you can't find them makes you incompetent.
Which just goes to show what a piss-poor "researcher" you are.
There should be a minimal level of intelligence required to post.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Anyone who does not know how to find a brief filed in a Federal lawsuit or to find a published court decision, state or Federal, has no right to even comment.

There should be a minimal level of intelligence required to post. A minimal level notably lacking in the concealed carry proponents who are far too numerous here, in an Open Carry forum.

Charles Nichols - President of California Right To Carry


Again, this is OCDO, not your wannabe organization. Around here when a poster makes an assertion, HE backs it up. He doesn't essentially say, "I said it, so it must be true. If you don't believe me, go look it up." That is rhetorically dishonest, and almost always indicates that the poster is hiding a disingenuous conclusion. You ain't scoring any points for you, your "organization," or your case with that attitude here.

Let's reiterate the specifics here. You claim that Buckeye Firearms has filed a brief that is anti-OC. Honesty demands that you name the case in which the brief was filed and either quote the brief or link it.

We ain't a bunch of knee-jerkers for some newbie who signs on with a title and his own "gun rights" organization.

Not moving on.