Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more parents of teenagers in the United States started buying firearms, according to a recent study.
dougie, gotta call foul...once again you are spreading shock and awe misinformation citing BS pubs who use garbage data...
your 30 July 21 link you cited states
"...Patrick Carter, M.D., a co-author of the paper and co-director
of the new Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention at the University of Michigan..."
yet there is no current study by this co-author but rather
a 2019 study he was a co-author on...
Five teams of FACTS researchers conducted a series of rigorous scoping reviews of the existing published scientific literature from the fields of medicine, public health, psychology, behavioral health, and criminology from January of 1985 through ...
further there is no organization specifically called Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens but rather it is funded as U of MI consortium. ICPSR, through a 2017 NICHD effort to increase research on child injury prevention.
unfortunately their firearm bias is obvious as they state unapologetically...
does not alter datasets deposited in FACTS in any way or
review submissions for disclosure risk. Investigators submitting data to ICPSR are entirely responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of research subjects. The presence of identifiable or sensitive information must be indicated during the submission process."
as CoL stated, garbage in sludge out...
no publication found on ICPSR's listing w/that title nor w/authors zimmerman or carter.