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man grabs gun from open carrier


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Fayetteville NC
"Multiple" guns--sounds like 2.

Rather than a case against OC, I think it is more of a case about SA and not allowing someone to get up on you. And not engaging in arguments.


Regular Member
Mar 26, 2011
cedar rapids
"Multiple" guns--sounds like 2.

Rather than a case against OC, I think it is more of a case about SA and not allowing someone to get up on you. And not engaging in arguments.

but OC deters criminals. at least thats what im told on OC.org. yes, engaging in an argument probably didn't help.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Take a breath matt2636...can you prove the newspeek story is viable?

Now we’re back to square one...

Oh wait matt2636 a moment, perhaps we aren’t back to square one now are we...

while the majority of the august OC members are tolerate of those OC naysayers who occasionally pop in, it seems the ONLY reason you post out on this forum is to jab at the OC posture, including posting isolated newspeek articles to start “discussions”.

So please take your “opinionated derrière’ to other sites to rant and rave about the ‘see its dangerous to OC”; since as over the years should shown you, your negative attention disapproving post(s) do not seem to have had an affect on this membership.
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MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
can you cite anything proving it is "bogus?"

Melvin F. Bogus, 39, no permanent address, was arrested for second degree reckless endangerment, theft, possession of firearm by felon, possession of cocaine and bail jumping after grabbing the weapon from the man police say was legally carrying his weapons in the open.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Wait, how can anyone doubt the veracity of an ABC Bogus news article? Appropriate name, makes the story sound almost self-critical, who knows, pretty soon mainstream journalists might pass a threshold to become sentinent beings, although on the lower end. That would be news.

But of course it's possible to grab a weapon by surprise at very close range. It shouldn't be easy, and shouldn't happen, but it can be done. Otherwise you couldn't draw your own gun. Shouldn't have happened but fortunately the OCer had a backup **** gun so the Bogus hypocritical violent anti 2A attempt still failed.

Some unbrained people believe as a religious principle that any gun you have will just be taken from you and used against you. Problem is they forget to apply the rule consistently. If that were so, the instant it was taken from you, the opposite would be true - now the gun is in the hands of the other person and the same rule now should apply to that person - easier to take the gun back from him than for him to use it. Unless thugs have some kind of superpowers that make them, along with cops, magically suited to gun handling. Why would criminals and cops be uniquely able to learn gun handling and no one else? The "rule" falls apart upon examination.

All nonsense of course; just a dishonest propaganda meme by darkhearted people who have no problem with guns in the hands of street thugs, only armed citizens with good behavior and patriotic ideas. Because they are not pursuing safety. They must have other goals.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
EVEN if the story is true, it is still a very very low percentage compared to the number of CC who become victims to crime. It would also appear from the image that this altercation took place in an alley. OP if you don't want to OC then don't! As far as whether I OC or not based on a possible fake news Is my business. I don't speak for everybody, but I would guess that a few here feel the same way I do. So without further ado, have a Merry Christmas, and bugger off.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Let's identify what's wrong and take corrective action:

1. "...was openly carrying multiple firearms..."
Problem: Retention with OC is an issue. Don't triple your problems by OCing both weapons.
Corrective action: One OC, but conceal the BUG (if you can).

2. "...He grabbed and yanked a holstered handgun from the victim’s body..."
Problem: He actually acquired possession of the firearm.
Corrective action: At the very least, use a thumb break. Better to use Level II retention.

3. "...Police say the man was bragging about how he had the right to bear arms..."
Problem: Exposure
Corrective action: Whether you're carrying or not, keep a low profile.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Or simply don't do stupid things. Add to your list do not go to locations that might mean trouble, like an alley. Don't get into arguments, they can lead to physical altercations.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014

You sound like an anti gunner propping up a school shooting to advocate for the trampling of rights.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Here's a link with a bit more information.

rest of the story at the link


Arizona -(Ammoland.com)- -On 17 December 2018, at about 7 p.m. on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin, a 21-year-old open carrier and his friend were hanging out when his weapon was grabbed by a homeless man. At 7 p.m. it was well below freezing. Heavy coats, hats, and gloves were indicated.

State Street runs from the University of Wisconsin to the State Capitol. It is about nine blocks long and is usually crowded with pedestrians, many of which are students. There are numerous bars and restaurants, as well as the Student Union and Memorial Library, Library Mall, and the Wisconsin Historical Society near the West end of the street.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Here's a link with a bit more information.

rest of the story at the link


Arizona -(Ammoland.com)- -On 17 December 2018, at about 7 p.m. on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin, a 21-year-old open carrier and his friend were hanging out when his weapon was grabbed by a homeless man. At 7 p.m. it was well below freezing. Heavy coats, hats, and gloves were indicated.

State Street runs from the University of Wisconsin to the State Capitol. It is about nine blocks long and is usually crowded with pedestrians, many of which are students. There are numerous bars and restaurants, as well as the Student Union and Memorial Library, Library Mall, and the Wisconsin Historical Society near the West end of the street.

FI, shall we quote more from Ammoland’s self promoting article interestingly & allegedly ‘released the very next day of the incident’...
1. Heavy coats...
2. The Second Amendment activist had a shotgun, two pistols, and a large knife/machete. [open carrying??]
3. A litany of possible criminal history of some individuals named ‘Bogus’ and their interactions with their attorneys.
4. A tirate follows regarding...” If you are going to practice open carry...”
5. Further tirates of other ammoland’s self promoting interests

Sorry F I, et al., bottom line, doesn’t pass any iota of any type of critical thinking scale as their article seems a bit strange that the very next day Ammoland was able to gather, verify, and self-promote about something that had occurred only at 1900L the previous evening, especially since NJ is home of Ammoland and the event occurred middle America?


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Holy Shazam, FI and Solus, thanks for the headsup on Ammoland article, my new favorite unintended comedy news site. :ROFLMAO:

Pearls Lead projectiles of wisdom galore.

The Lowdown on the OCer Background:

The 21-year-old open carrier was from Black Earth. Black Earth is a nearby small town. The Second Amendment activist had a shotgun, two pistols, and a large knife/machete. He was attempting to make political points while hoping to strike acquaintance with some girls, maybe get some phone numbers.

All verified as factual of course. Best way to meet girls EVER. Trigger them with the almighty force of the trigger and then their anger turns into infatuation, everyone knows any emotion is better than no emotion. Hmmm, wonder if some gun bloggers are also writing to meet girls?

Now here's a chance for OCers to learn more about themselves:

Most open carriers have some retaining device and travel in groups to guard against precisely such a possibility. If there is more than one person, discussion of what tactics to use is common. Often, an unarmed member of the group will be a designated camera/video man.

These groups are called schools, by the way. Anyone not in a school is a shark and probably just picking up Anti chicks. Right now cross-retention is all the rage; for example attempting to grab John's gun will pull a chain to automatically point Steve's sidearm at the offender. A second chain links to Bob's camera so that he swivels in the right direction too and no action footage is missed. BTW just like drinking and driving and the designated driver, the camera dude NEVER carries, even though doing so would be easy and not interfere with the camera. Matter of principle; only one type of shooting per dude.

As the purpose of the political action is political awareness, it is not necessary for all the guns to be loaded. Be particularly aware of people “closing the distance.” Mr. Bogus practiced what Marc MacYoung calls “the interview,” as a way to evaluate his intended victim.

Ha ha, just for show, no bullets here in the OC school! But just like Barney it's "advisable" to keep one in your pocket. Wow, thanks to Ammoland for teaching me everything I wanted to know about OC and disarms but was afraid to ask. :love:

Practice situational awareness. Have a plan on how to prevent a disarm attempt. Use of a retention holster is a good idea.


Attacks on open carriers may be rare because of tactical deterrence. Most criminals do not wish to attack an armed person. There is easier prey about. Melvin F. Bogus thought the young open carrier was easy prey. He was wrong.

Not bad, that part. Of course if "it is not necessary for all the guns to be loaded" then is such an OCer really "an armed person"? :unsure: No matter because yo he tactical tacticool yeah he cool. Wow journalism has come a long way baby.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Holy Shazam, FI and Solus, thanks for the headsup on Ammoland article, my new favorite unintended comedy news site. :ROFLMAO:

Uh, er, HP995 was there just a tinge or smidgen of sarcastic innuendo in your post?

Ya know, you could alert us in future posts so the august membership doesn't miss any tidbits:rolleyes:.

Cheers for a good year...

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Well if I had some monetary interest in ammo land it might be considered self promotion but I don't.

As for the rest it sounds like a personal problem to me.