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Lunch 7/14/2018 Culpeper area


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
Anyone up to meet for lunch on July 14,2018 around 1pm at Shawn's Smokehouse BBQ

SSBBQ Culpeper

602 Sperryville Pike
Culpeper, VA 2270

I'll be there, hope to see some old friends and meet new ones..
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Anyone up to meet for lunch on July 14,2018 around 1pm at Shawn's Smokehouse BBQ

SSBBQ Culpeper

602 Sperryville Pike
Culpeper, VA 2270

I'll be there, hope to see some old friends and meet new ones..
Wish could make this.

Bloomberg fiddles and the people frolic - nothing bad happens here. They know because their eyes are wide shut.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Great idea!

I'll be there, Lord willing.

Sidebar re religious control/influence.

When my mother (RIP) was working on the family tree, she delved deep into the history of Rev John Cotton. Her maiden name was Cotton and we are direct descendants of him. What she found was yes there was negative church collusion.
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Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont
Sidebar re relgious control/influence.

When my mother (RIP) was working on the family tree, she delved deep into the history of Rev John Cotton. Her maiden name was Cotton and we are direct descendants of him. What she found was yes there was negative church collusion.

Don't let the Romans know you're descended from Calvinists - you know the Holy Office of the Inquisition has not yet finished its work - the former "Supreme Holy Father" was head of it prior to his having ascended the Throne of Augustus.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Don't let the Romans know you're descended from Calvinists - you know the Holy Office of the Inquisition has not yet finished its work - the former "Supreme Holy Father" was head of it prior to his having ascended the Throne of Augustus.
I always did enjoy a good fight. Figure that the odds are about even.

Oliver Cromwell be damned or sainted.


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2013
Leesburg VA
Don't let the Romans know you're descended from Calvinists - you know the Holy Office of the Inquisition has not yet finished its work - the former "Supreme Holy Father" was head of it prior to his having ascended the Throne of Augustus.

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
Oh man, I just now saw this and it's too late for me to head down there. Shame on me. It's been a few weeks since I visited this site (was out of the area, and country, for nearly a week less than a week ago).

I have got to be more on my toes and watch for these get togethers. So for you good people that manage to attend this luncheon, please have a great time and I will be thinking of y'all.
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Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont
All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

I'll give 'em a patent on "public order" - most of all that other stuff they either had nothing to do with or adopted from someone else. And you left "the Dark Ages" off the list, a Roman cultural artifact brought about by the need for "public order". Granted the middle period was due in part by the Hundred Years War, the three-year "mini-ice age", and several bouts of plague. Oh, and there's censorship, which they invented in a serious way in order to get rid of all the non-"orthodox" writings from groups descended from the original apostles (literally, "censor", meaning "to burn") whom they branded as "heretics".

Of course the institution of "public order" in this country will result in serious gun "control". The traditional "American values" method of ensuring public order, which we received from folks like Grapeshot's ancestors, relied on people knowing where their duty lies, being socially responsible, and voluntarily complying with the law. The destruction of concepts of community and sovereignty resulting from the influx of Roman culture and dilution of the Calvinist influence vis-a-vis "the melting pot" since the late 1800's has made the imposition of public order by suppression of thought and liberty necessary. Soon, we'll be begging "the Supreme Holy Father" to step in and save us from ourselves. Watch and see if I'm not right about that. (Be patient, though, it may be another thirty or forty years out.)

I'm giving myself indigestion just thinking about it, and we haven't even had lunch yet.
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Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont
Is there another Shawn's BBQ in Culpeper? I must have missed something - I got there at 12:30 and left at 2:30, and didn't see anyone I recognized. Ordered "to-go" and ate at home by myself.

Oh, hell. Just checked the date - the fourteenth was YESTERDAY! Sorry I missed it. Dammit.
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