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LA Dem Party Chair: Those Who Oppose Obamacare Are Racist

Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
, ,
I was at a family dinner party with my liberal half of the family. There were lots of college age cousins there. Most of them are Jewish.

They were going on and on about how everyone who opposes Obama is racist and the only reason people oppose Obama care is because of racism.

I told them that they were right. Proof was that I am a racist and that's exactly why I oppose Obamacare.

They were all silent and shocked.

I told them that it pains me to my core that a black man, actually a half black man, is able to provide free health care for poor white people when white people failed to do so.

I told them, actually, that its not "free" health care but whose counting.

One of them said it took amazing courage for me to admit I was racist and the true feelings behind my opposition to Obamacare.

Then I said "of course, most of you college age, ivy league graduates were too young to remember, and too stupid to know, but I, and most Americans, have opposed government mandated and run health care numerous times before when whites were president. In fact, there was a man named Bill Clinton who proposed a strikingly similar health care program and I opposed it more than Obamas. Maybe you should ask for a refund from your $50,000 a year colleges"


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
It is no different than many arguments made here.

If you can reframe the opponents argument into something silly, you can dismantle it easily and appear to "win" the discussion. It is called a "strawman" argument.

If you don't like it when others do it, carefully examine how you argue and make sure you don't use strawmen.

Just a nickel's worth of free advice. Use it or don't. It's up to you.

Note: This post is not directed at any particular "you." We all need to examine what we do regularly and always kick things up a notch.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
isn't obamalama as much white as he is black? So...what kinda a racist am I ? Against whites? Against blacks? Nah ... I'm against the gov't taxing me for simply existing...

Ca Patriot

Regular Member
Feb 25, 2010
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isn't obamalama as much white as he is black? So...what kinda a racist am I ? Against whites? Against blacks? Nah ... I'm against the gov't taxing me for simply existing...

I have been informed by numerous black people and many liberals that Obama is black. When I ask why he isn't white they call me a racist.

So.....Obama is black.