Regular Member
Things to remember about this governor -
He cheated on his property taxes by removing the toilets in his mansion in C(r)ook County;
He has used his "emergency powers" (every 30 days) for over 2/3 of his tenure;
He has only delayed the gas tax AND the sales tax on food - they'll be back after the mid-terms.
And EVERYBODY in Illinois should pay special attention to the elections in November. Just like government employees are currently "enshrined" in the State's Constitution (part of the reason we are in such dire financial straights), Amendment 1 will do much the same for certain unions, allowing them to virtually dictate to the ILGA what they will be paid with little recourse for legislators to oppose them.
Vote - VOTE - VOTE !!!

He cheated on his property taxes by removing the toilets in his mansion in C(r)ook County;
He has used his "emergency powers" (every 30 days) for over 2/3 of his tenure;
He has only delayed the gas tax AND the sales tax on food - they'll be back after the mid-terms.
And EVERYBODY in Illinois should pay special attention to the elections in November. Just like government employees are currently "enshrined" in the State's Constitution (part of the reason we are in such dire financial straights), Amendment 1 will do much the same for certain unions, allowing them to virtually dictate to the ILGA what they will be paid with little recourse for legislators to oppose them.
Vote - VOTE - VOTE !!!