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Help with lost Ohio CCW Certificate? Do I have to re-train?


New member
Oct 30, 2013
Didn't know where to post this as I am fairly new. I took my CCW class in March and lost my certificate right afterwards while moving. My instructor has told me repeatedly he would print out a new one but he is going through family troubles and I just never seem to get one from him. Do I have to re-train or re-take the class to get another Certificate? Or is there a centralized system somewhere in Ohio that might be able to print it out so I can take to the local Sheriff and apply for the permit? If anyone knows I would appreciate help.


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2014
Jefferson County, CO
I would be VERY much surprised if these certificates were centralized at any point. In Colorado, I have not found evidence that these were recorded by any Sheriff's office before I applied for my own permit - and I have two certificates (two different trainers). In fact, from the instructor whose certificate I used, he straight up informed me that he does not submit them to anybody but the student(s). And yet, the office still issued my CHP to me.

So, at this point, it sounds like get another certificate from your original instructor, or taking another class from somebody else, are your only options.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Show up at a scheduled class with your hand out and a smile......bet he would come through w/o charge :lol:


Regular Member
Jul 26, 2013
NE Ohio
There is no centralized system in Ohio for the training certificates - an instructor might use the NRA course and provide an NRA certificate, or design his own course and supply his own certificate. Grapeshot has a good idea - show up ad his next scheduled class with your hand out.

If that fails to work, and you cannot get the certificate from your instructor any other way, then you may have no choice but to take the class again.