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Groupon Deal - Proactive Shooters


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
I was glad to notice a few months ago when Groupon resumed listing firearms training. Of course that didn't get quite as much publicity as when they stopped...

Would be interesting to know if Jim picks up much business from them.



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
when the shootings hit the news a couple of years ago, Aurora CO, etc., Groupon issued a very public statement saying they would no longer sponsor firearm training or shooting activities...

but proactive is not having their students shoot in this course but rather doing a lecture only
'With a proactive approach to firearms safety, the five-hour course covers handgun and ammunition nomenclature, basic rules of safety, safe storage techniques, and more. During course, students learn about keeping children safe from firearms, the causes of accidents, and the proper handling of malfunctions '

apparently the greed of money for Groupon has soften that stance.

sad part proactive shooters is only making under half of what each customer is paying.



Regular Member
Mar 23, 2008
www.ProactiveShooters.com, Richmond, Va., , USA
My wife came across this (and bought one)... just passing it along in case it benefits others too...


Thank you for posting this, Blk97F150!

We've done similar deals in the past with Living Social and Amazon Local. Groupon pursued us, so we decided to give them a try. Unfortunately, they are under extreme pressure from the anti-gunners, so our ad purposely cannot say anything about the dreaded phrase, concealed carry. I'm not thrilled about that, but if the deals gets us a few customers, we're happy to at least provide those folks with good training which they can use to apply for their CHP.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
Thank you for posting this, Blk97F150!

We've done similar deals in the past with Living Social and Amazon Local. Groupon pursued us, so we decided to give them a try. Unfortunately, they are under extreme pressure from the anti-gunners, so our ad purposely cannot say anything about the dreaded phrase, concealed carry. I'm not thrilled about that, but if the deals gets us a few customers, we're happy to at least provide those folks with good training which they can use to apply for their CHP.
Can you say, "Virginia's permit?" :)
