First somebody must get Ramona Manglona's name correct. Particularly in the middle of a quote-box.
Through my career we were so sensitive to the possible effect of errors, ...
The first rule of writing is know the audience and write accordingly. There is a huge difference between military or professional test procedures or legal filings, and an on-line discussion forum.
Certainly, some minimum level of proper English usage makes it much easier to convey one's intended message. The lone member who takes pleasure in utterly failing to meet any such minimum standard enjoys being the solitary item on my iggy list.
But with good reason does the term "....Nazi" get applied to those in the on-line world who take some pleasure in pointing out insignificant spelling or grammar errors of others. Indeed, to point out such an insignificant error--especially one clearly copied from another source and pasted into the post--and to then continue harping on it for multiple posts is nigh unto hijacking a thread. It certainly adds nothing of value to the discussion. Anyone who is so anxious to prove his own superiority as to harp on such a minimal error probably ought to give some serious thought to his motivation.
I'll avoid going on lest the post get moderated as a personal insult. But as someone wrote on this forum recently I'll repeat generally. "Don't be a jerk." If that isn't a rule, it should be.