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Hi Guys. I'm still new here and just discovered the Danbus video which I watched today. let me say, Danbus....congratulations on keeping your cool and having a level head through the whole ordeal. I'd be very interested in knowing the outcome of this encounter, assuming you filed any official complaints/charges.
Now having said all of that, I just have to it really worth it? I mean the cause is 2nd amendment rights which I fully support and although I now live in California, I had a permit to carry when I lived in a different state. I carried CCW most of the time, although I did occassionally OC. So I understand the reason for carrying and the desire to exercise our rights. Still...I'm wondering when the cost of exercising those rights comes at such a potentially high price, is it really worth it? Danbus did everything right when he came in contact with NYPD and he still had a gun pointed at him as he went through the whole ordeal. Some police agencies and theofficers themselves are more understanding and laid back, whereas others are clearly threatened and tend to escalate matters when they see "man with a gun".
Let's remember,in manypolice academies throughoutthe country cops aren't being trained in how to deal with the law abiding citizen who's exercising his 2nd amendment right by openly carrying. They're trained to deal with the threat of "man with a gun"
which is why they show up with lights/sirens andguns drawn. :what:Even though we have the "right" to do it, is it worth it? That's what I'm wondering. The fact that AB1934 passed and is now making its way to the CA. State Senate may make this entire argument a mute point if the bill becomes law, which in all liklihood it will.
Your thoughts?
(video link added 6-18)
Hi Guys. I'm still new here and just discovered the Danbus video which I watched today. let me say, Danbus....congratulations on keeping your cool and having a level head through the whole ordeal. I'd be very interested in knowing the outcome of this encounter, assuming you filed any official complaints/charges.
Now having said all of that, I just have to it really worth it? I mean the cause is 2nd amendment rights which I fully support and although I now live in California, I had a permit to carry when I lived in a different state. I carried CCW most of the time, although I did occassionally OC. So I understand the reason for carrying and the desire to exercise our rights. Still...I'm wondering when the cost of exercising those rights comes at such a potentially high price, is it really worth it? Danbus did everything right when he came in contact with NYPD and he still had a gun pointed at him as he went through the whole ordeal. Some police agencies and theofficers themselves are more understanding and laid back, whereas others are clearly threatened and tend to escalate matters when they see "man with a gun".
Let's remember,in manypolice academies throughoutthe country cops aren't being trained in how to deal with the law abiding citizen who's exercising his 2nd amendment right by openly carrying. They're trained to deal with the threat of "man with a gun"
which is why they show up with lights/sirens andguns drawn. :what:Even though we have the "right" to do it, is it worth it? That's what I'm wondering. The fact that AB1934 passed and is now making its way to the CA. State Senate may make this entire argument a mute point if the bill becomes law, which in all liklihood it will.
Your thoughts?
(video link added 6-18)