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Change in New Hampshire law regarding open carry in a vehicle


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2013
Manchester, New Hampshire
To whomever updates the pages:

When New Hampshire passed SB 12 (the constitutional carry bill) earlier this year, it deleted the provision that required a permit for carrying in a vehicle. Specifically, Part 1:3 of the bill repealed RSA 159:4 - the section of law that previously required a permit to carry either concealed or in a vehicle. Please update the New Hampshire page regarding open carry when you have time - thank you!

Link to bill information: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bil...n=&txtsessionyear=2017&txtbillnumber=SB12&q=1

- Chip


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
To whomever updates the pages:

When New Hampshire passed SB 12 (the constitutional carry bill) earlier this year, it deleted the provision that required a permit for carrying in a vehicle. Specifically, Part 1:3 of the bill repealed RSA 159:4 - the section of law that previously required a permit to carry either concealed or in a vehicle. Please update the New Hampshire page regarding open carry when you have time - thank you!

Link to bill information: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/bil...n=&txtsessionyear=2017&txtbillnumber=SB12&q=1

- Chip

However, the ban remains on loaded firearms in or on any OHRV except for a pistol or revolver with a license. We're working on that one, just like the ban on loaded rifles or shotguns in or on a vehicle. Both of these are fish and game laws, and they push back hard.

Even the police chiefs didn't fight constitutional carry this year.