I work for a civilian contractor responsible for the daily operations of navy base Guam,our employee hand book prohibits guns at work.But if i was to keep my weapon stored and locked in a secure device in my car do you think that might be appropriate? It`s kind of hard to ask my supervisor those kinda questions,probably would surprise him.And over there state side is it allowed for civilians to bring theres fire arms in a military installation if secured,I was told by a "Federal LEO" base police that it is prohibited in any federal installation even if locked in a vehicle.What you people think?
I am stationed at a base in Virginia, and the instruction for all Naval bases in the area (for all persons entering the bases) prohibit bringing personal weapons on base unless you are:
1) Storing them in the base armory
2) Attending a shooting competition
3) Transporting them to a (Navy) housing unit (where you have to lock them up anyway)
There is more amplifying information in the actual instruction, but this is it in a nutshell. The base security officer (here anyway) has an application process to allow you to get a weapons transport pass, that allows you to bring the weapon on base ONLY for the above reasons. Even if you have the gun and the ammo locked in separate containers, out of reach of the driver (Federal Transport regulation), you still can be stopped, and your personal firearm confiscated, and you will be prosecuted. For military folks, this will be disobeying a direct order (Instruction), for civilians, I'm not sure how that process works.
I think it is really unfair (ridiculous) that we are trained to use firearms under battlefield conditions, however, not trustworthy enough to use them to protect ourselves and family on our "homeland battlefield."