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California lawmaker in legal trouble

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Anti gun CA sentor arrested for gun running

Must be trying to corner the market.

full story at the link


It what would surely place his likeness prominently on the Mt. Rushmore of hypocrisy if the allegations are proven in a court of law, famously anti-gun California state Senator Leland Yee has been charged with, in addition to bribery and public corruption…yes…gun running. Specifically conspiring with known organized crime lord Kwok Cheung “Shrimp Boy” Chow to illegally import firearms and sell them without a license


Regular Member
Aug 15, 2013
This is so awesome. I really hope this guy does some serious hard federal prison time.

While he is in prison we should all mail him pictures of our assault rifles and CCW's


Regular Member
Aug 15, 2013
Your thread title is misleading. It should read....

California lawbreaker in legal trouble


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
This from the Mercury article about Yee's buddy:
Chow is not a U.S. citizen. He is being represented by public defender and lives in San Francisco with his girlfriend. He has been on electronic monitoring since he's been out of prison and seeking legal immigration stays, even during the current investigation….Federal law enforcement officials have been chasing Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow for decades, branding him one of the longtime Bay Area leaders of a Hong Kong-based criminal syndicate called the Wo Hop To. Chow's criminal rap sheet dates back to 1978, and includes federal racketeering indictments that have alleged attempted murder, murder-for-hire, gun trafficking and other crimes.

Guess ICE is really on the case getting rid of non-US criminals.

Also heard on Rush Limbaugh today that Yee is the guy that raised holy hell trying to get Limbaugh taken off the air after Limbaugh gypped the Obama press conference with the Chinese Leader. Payback time for a ChiCom tool.


Regular Member
Feb 23, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Just another

Typical Californicate Democrat anti-gun hypocrite. Nothing new there, except he was caught and charged.

Hopefully, he will be convicted and incarcerated for a long, long time.


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
Well Well Well, its being discussed Down Under as well.

" Story can be accessed from the NRA website.

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — Before he was arrested and indicted on numerous federal charges Wednesday, including allegations of gun running, State Sen. Leland Yee was a major advocate for gun control and pushed to ban a device called a “bullet button.”
In 2012, KPIX 5 reported on what gun control advocates called a huge loophole in California’s ban on assault weapons. The reports focused on the bullet button, a device that gun manufacturers designed in order to legally sell guns such as the AR-15 in California.
The bullet button enables the magazine of a semi-automatic rifle to be removed quickly, with the tip of a bullet. Removable magazines in combination with other features like a pistol grip and telescoping stock are banned under California law. But the bullet button is legal because it doesn’t work with one’s finger, so the magazine is considered “fixed.”
The report prompted Yee to introduce SB 249, which would have banned the bullet button. Yee received a lot of heat from gun advocates over it. Opponents even put up billboards on Bay Area freeways.
Follow Our Related Coverage
Raw Video: Sen. Yee In Custody
Who is Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow?
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Yee: Effective Lawmaker Dogged By Controversy
In an interview on KPIX 5, Yee said that he was not going to be intimidated, because he believed so strongly in keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys.
“This is not an easy issue,” Yee said. “But I am a father, and I want our communities to be safe, and god forbid if one of these weapons fell into the wrong hands.”
Yee’s bill was eventually merged with other gun control bills, but in the end Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the legislation.
According to Wednesday’s indictment, Yee is charged with conspiracy to deal firearms without a license, along with conspiracy to illegally transport firearms. He is also accused of running a scheme to defraud citizens on his services and wire fraud.
The government’s affidavit said that in August of 2013, at the same time Yee was pushing gun control laws, an undercover agent was being told the senator “had a contact who deals in arms trafficking.”
In January of this year, the affidavit said Yee told that same agent that the arms dealer “Has things that you guys want.”
The affidavit also said Yee claimed to know a weapons trafficker who he had known for years, who was supplying “cargo containers” of heavy weapons to Muslim rebels in the Philippines."


New member
Mar 19, 2009
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Typical anti American libtard, do as I say,not as I do. BTW, he did it for the children.