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Boobus to vote yes on question 1?


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL

This is very disturbing. Boobus can't help himself with stuff like this. Gunvermin skooling, low information voting and all. A stark reminder of how tenuous gun rights are, even in states with decent laws. All states without laws banning registration are subject to similar referenda. The controllers and despots know if they go to boobus with something mellifluous the cities will vote yes to the man.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA

This is very disturbing. Boobus can't help himself with stuff like this. Gunvermin skooling, low information voting and all. A stark reminder of how tenuous gun rights are, even in states with decent laws. All states without laws banning registration are subject to similar referenda. The controllers and despots know if they go to boobus with something mellifluous the cities will vote yes to the man.


I wonder if the oligarchy knew this when they "granted" voting to Boobus. "Yeah, sure. Let 'em vote. They'll feel like they can accomplish something. That will shut them up. They're so dumb; it will be too easy to manipulate them. Heck, we can feed them their opinion, and they will totally believe it is their own opinion. How else can we capitalize on their unwillingness to inform themselves?"

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Does the Washoe County sheriff's office enforce any prior restraint gun laws? If so then it is not as 2A centric as the good sheriff claims it is. Or, is he speaking only for himself and not his employees. No argument from me, vote NO on Question 1.


Regular Member
Dec 19, 2007
Fallon, Nevada, USA
Does the Washoe County sheriff's office enforce any prior restraint gun laws? If so then it is not as 2A centric as the good sheriff claims it is. Or, is he speaking only for himself and not his employees. No argument from me, vote NO on Question 1.

I do not live in Washoe County (but am relatively nearby) but I am not aware of any instances of the Washoe County Sheriff's Office attempting to enforce any prior restraint gun laws.

I think it logical that he is speaking (in that article) as sheriff or he would/should have specifically stated otherwise. After all, he IS the sheriff and clearly indicated such in the article. And his employees/deputies must answer to him.

Now we NEED more sheriffs to step and speak out in opposition to Q1.