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Applying for a NH CCW permit


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2007
, South Carolina, USA
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I have a SC CWP and am considering getting a NH permit so that I am covered in Georgia. Looking at the application you need to put three references. I don't have a problem with that but am wondering if they actually contact who you put down as a reference? If they do contact them how can they get the responses back and the permit issued in two weeks, if not why require them?


Regular Member
Oct 12, 2006
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
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Just like most gun regulation measures, somebody somewhere thought it was a good idea at the time. Perhaps the State Police, who issue non-resident licenses, only contact references if something other than "no record" comes up on the background check.


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2007
Greenville, South Carolina, USA
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It is taking NH longer than 2 weeks right now. I sent my application in the first week of July and am still waiting to receive my nonresident permit. I don't know if they actually contact anyone or not. I just put friends down.


State Researcher
Jul 18, 2007
Stanislaus County, California, USA
imported post

yjfunk95 wrote:
It is taking NH longer than 2 weeks right now. I sent my application in the first week of July and am still waiting to receive my nonresident permit. I don't know if they actually contact anyone or not. I just put friends down.
My understanding is that the 2-week turnaround is a statutory requirement. If they take longer than that, you're entitled to a hearing where the delinquent authority has to answer to the court. This may only apply to residents, but I don't think that is the case.

It is possible that they simply slack on non-resident permits because they doubt you'll come to NH to file your complaint and appear at the hearing.

I'm sure someone from NH can confirm this (or correct me).


Regular Member
Oct 12, 2006
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
imported post

That's only for resident licenses, in RSA 159:6. Non-resident licenses are governed by the regulations of the Department of Safety and issued by the State Police.