The Kentucky freshman Republican has introduced a constitutional amendment that would preclude senators and representatives from passing laws that don't apply equally to U.S. citizens and Congress, the executive branch and the Supreme Court.
Paul seeks to go a step further and amend the Constitution so that "Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress," the executive branch including the president and vice president as well as the Supreme Court.
Paul told the Daily Caller in September that the amendment would take specific aim at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, whose swing vote upheld the constitutionality of much of the Affordable Care Act.
"If he likes Obamacare so much, I'm going to give him an amendment that gives Obamacare to Justice Roberts," Paul told the publication.
No government official should be exempt from the very laws they press down on the rest of America. Like Rand Paul or not, you either believe your politicians are above the law and are better then you, or they are below you and serve us. Many say this will not pass, yet let it be voted on and let the American Public get a complete list of enemy's who believe they are better then you.
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