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All Americans should support this amendment.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2009
Ohio, USA
The Kentucky freshman Republican has introduced a constitutional amendment that would preclude senators and representatives from passing laws that don't apply equally to U.S. citizens and Congress, the executive branch and the Supreme Court.

Paul seeks to go a step further and amend the Constitution so that "Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress," the executive branch including the president and vice president as well as the Supreme Court.

Paul told the Daily Caller in September that the amendment would take specific aim at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, whose swing vote upheld the constitutionality of much of the Affordable Care Act.

"If he likes Obamacare so much, I'm going to give him an amendment that gives Obamacare to Justice Roberts," Paul told the publication.


No government official should be exempt from the very laws they press down on the rest of America. Like Rand Paul or not, you either believe your politicians are above the law and are better then you, or they are below you and serve us. Many say this will not pass, yet let it be voted on and let the American Public get a complete list of enemy's who believe they are better then you.
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Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ
We need more people like Paul, Lee, Cruz etc, guys who are there to actually make a difference. The issue right now is that you will never get the establishment politicians to vote for something that would take away their perks.

Until the electorate wakes up (not likely as more and more are relying on .gov for daily living) we are never going to get anything done in this area.


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com

No government official should be exempt from the very laws they press down on the rest of America. Like Rand Paul or not, you either believe your politicians are above the law and are better then you, or they are below you and serve us. Many say this will not pass, yet let it be voted on and let the American Public get a complete list of enemy's who believe they are better then you.

This has been previously popularized as Amendment 28, and I am heartily in favor of it. No more "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." The possibility that we can get the Congress to pass this is nil. It would take a Constitutional Convention to get this passed and enacted, and once such a Convention is opened, ALL parts of the Constitution are subject to change -- something to think about...

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
They are all ready supposed to be restricted by the constitution, they ignore it what makes anyone think they'll not do the same to another amendment.

Seems the only amendment they like is the 16th.