I assume this is OCDO's John Pierce. Although, it appears that they misspelled his last name the first time it occurs in the article. It is spelled correctly in the remaining portions of the article.
Alexandria Va. road rage victim could take case to court lawyer says
ALEXANDRIA, VA - Alexandra Police say a 58-year-old Mechanicsville man was arrested for Wednesday morning’s Alexandria Road Rage shooting. A Virginia attorney says he may be able to fight this in court depending on the circumstances.
“Absolutely, I believe this is something that they could take to court,” said Attorney John Piece. He specializes in firearms law. We’ll get to that in a moment to first explain what happened.
More: http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/alexandria-va-road-rage-victim-could-take-case-to-court-lawyer-says/458075992
Alexandria Va. road rage victim could take case to court lawyer says
ALEXANDRIA, VA - Alexandra Police say a 58-year-old Mechanicsville man was arrested for Wednesday morning’s Alexandria Road Rage shooting. A Virginia attorney says he may be able to fight this in court depending on the circumstances.
“Absolutely, I believe this is something that they could take to court,” said Attorney John Piece. He specializes in firearms law. We’ll get to that in a moment to first explain what happened.
More: http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/alexandria-va-road-rage-victim-could-take-case-to-court-lawyer-says/458075992