Campaign Veteran
This just happened to a friend of mine this morning:
In answer to his question, yes, the tide is changing. The general public has most certainly swung from fairly ambivalent to openly supportive of 2A rights over the last seven years. Case in point, this poll, on a libtard anti-gun news site, no less.
"Just when I'm ready to give up on humanity,,,,,,,took Shelly out for breakfast this morning to one of our favorite restaurants, Frisch's.(Big Boy). I happened to be open carrying my RIA 1911, 10MM. Place was fairly crowded and when this guy walks up to our table and looks at my 1911 I think "oh boy here we go". I never in my life expected what he said. He apologized for disturbing our meal but he felt that he had to say thank you to me for being prepared to protect him and his family. BLEW my mind, I was totally blown away. I have been thanked for my service but never for carrying to protect someone else. Could it possibly be that folks are actually waking up to the threats that roam our nation?? I pray this is a start of something good. Here goes nothing, For all of you who carry concealed or open, THANK YOU for being willing to protect me and my family!!!!!"
In answer to his question, yes, the tide is changing. The general public has most certainly swung from fairly ambivalent to openly supportive of 2A rights over the last seven years. Case in point, this poll, on a libtard anti-gun news site, no less.