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13 yo mentally dist


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
A Salt Lake City police officer shot a boy Friday night while responding to a call reporting he was having a “psychological episode.”

Police were dispatched shortly after 10 p.m. to 500 South and Navajo Street for a call about a youth who was having a “mental episode ... and had made threats to some folks with a weapon,” Horrocks said.

The boy left the scene on foot, and police followed. During the pursuit, one officer fired his weapon, hitting the boy, Horrocks said. Officers provided aid until medics arrived. [so glad full service is provided after they shot them—snark off!]

As of Friday night, there was “no indication” that the boy had a weapon, but that was still under investigation, Horrocks said. Unquote

Update: interestingly, the trib left out - “...before an officer shot the boy multiple times.” Tho that stated, gofund has 45K in three days...
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Well isn’t that precious...
One account from E Boise ID

One from a blog who took the story from NBC San Diego CA
[Free Republic is one of the earliest and largest online gathering places for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web which raises an important question ~ if you gather stuff - cut and pasted from everywhere; not verified; posted by every tom, dick, and jerry; don’t kinda lose the Independence & certainly the grassroots concept and surely the intended conservatism your promoting?]

One from the UK’s Daily Mail Online who took the story from ABC3340.com/news

BBC now has the story with a sidebar quoting the illustrious Washington Post “research” from 2015 > On #s of mentally ill individuals...quote:
1,254 people with a mental illness have been shot dead by US police since the beginning of 2015. This represents 22% of all people shot and killed by police across the country over that period. Unquote.
[along with related stories of those disabled]

all in all a great news day not about the virus!