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WhiskeyWarrior556 falls victim to Putnam County, New York’s red flag laws


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
On Friday, police showed up to a young man’s workplace and tried to arrest him over social media posts reported to them by an old army buddy of the 28-year-old Afghanistan veteran. Alex then barricaded himself inside his own attic, unarmed. Law enforcement officers followed him, blocked off the road to all traffic and a seven-hour standoff began.

When it was over, the Putnam County Sheriffs, SWAT team and local police, armed with their own automatic rifles with 30 round magazines, arrested Alex for possessing a “high capacity magazine” for his legal AR-15.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
sorry dougie, but he said/he said social media BS perpetrated this incident plus this 'popular' attention seeking individual perpetuated this fascinating fiasco by not keeping his mouth shut to the world on his personal life and "stuff" he owns.

[by the way dougie...notice nobody out on this forum discusses number of firearms or amount of ammo or their legal/non-legal mags that are in their possession]

need help ~ go see the va & quit whining on social media about your personal life and for goodness sakes quit bragging about the stuff you should or shouldn't have to strangers! [olde army buddy called, my patooie!!]

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
sorry dougie, but he said/he said social media BS perpetrated this incident plus this 'popular' attention seeking individual perpetuated this fascinating fiasco by not keeping his mouth shut to the world on his personal life and "stuff" he owns.

[by the way dougie...notice nobody out on this forum discusses number of firearms or amount of ammo or their legal/non-legal mags that are in their possession]

need help ~ go see the va & quit whining on social media about your personal life and for goodness sakes quit bragging about the stuff you should or shouldn't have to strangers! [olde army buddy called, my patooie!!]
I think some on this forum have said they may have owned a particular firearm at one time in their life. But my understanding is most on here lost whatever firearms they may have owned in a boating accident.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
New York state...1.5 hours from Manhattan...New Yorkers are responsible for their own plight..tough to be him...if you're going to be stupid you better be tough...