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What did you see at Lobby Day?


Regular Member
Feb 23, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Fight5ing, no

"We Need To Stop Fighting Each Other And Start Fighting The Antis!!"

We sure could have used many more gun people. I hope that next year there will be a better turn out, that is if we still have any rights left.

Educating the anti's and the idiotc media moros, YES !!!!!!!!

Sadly,providing statistics, even when from the "Gubermat" seems to have no effect on either. They just continue to spew their version, no matter how many times they are caught lying.

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
Educating the anti's and the idiotc media moros, YES !!!!!!!!

Sadly,providing statistics, even when from the "Gubermat" seems to have no effect on either. They just continue to spew their version, no matter how many times they are caught lying.

My point in asking Jethro to define "anti", Taz...was that far too many supposedly pro gun people are nothing more than gun lemmings.

If the gun lobby likes it, you're anti if you fight it and pro if you don't.
I have no intention of letting this state become a permit to carry state which seems to be the goal with many so called "Pro gun people" so I suppose I'm anti when I fight stupid, arrogant and dangerous, P4P legislation.

I've repeated this a lot of times....Just because someone owns a gun doesn't make him a brother, friend or otherwise...It just means he can afford a gun. RIGHTS belong to us all....not just those that want to have the Government permit them.

In some respects the true anti's like Goddard are easier to talk to because they are at least honest about what they want and that's to make everyone go through a background check and have a permit to carry.

So Jethro needs to define "anti", decide just who the RKBA applies to, then decide who to fight.


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2010
On the Washington Times:



Photo by: BOB BROWN

A Springfield model 1911 .45acp pistol, foreground, is worn by gun-rights advocate John Savarese, from Chesterfield County, Va., as he stands outside the General Assembly Building in Richmond, Va., Monday, Jan. 20, 2014. This is the day that gun rights groups and gun control groups will lobby members of the Virginia General Assembly at Capitol Square, where open carry of firearms is approved. (AP Photo/Richmond Times-Dispatch, Bob Brown)


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
On the Washington Times:


View attachment 11213

Photo by: BOB BROWN

A Springfield model 1911 .45acp pistol, foreground, is worn by gun-rights advocate John Savarese, from Chesterfield County, Va., as he stands outside the General Assembly Building in Richmond, Va., Monday, Jan. 20, 2014. This is the day that gun rights groups and gun control groups will lobby members of the Virginia General Assembly at Capitol Square, where open carry of firearms is approved. (AP Photo/Richmond Times-Dispatch, Bob Brown)

The pistol is at half-cock.....why?

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
some people always go off half-cocked. (just a joke)

But I was wondering the same.

Many people are never comfortable with a 1911. I still prefer a revolver but half cock is unusual and not very efficient.

The hammer back joke BTW was because that's what the Safety Director at Randolf Macon told Grapeshot.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2007
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Many people are never comfortable with a 1911. I still prefer a revolver but half cock is unusual and not very efficient.

The hammer back joke BTW was because that's what the Safety Director at Randolf Macon told Grapeshot.

There will always be anxious souls who regard life as Condition ZERO.

BTW, anyone favor so-called Israeli Carry?

The Wolfhound

Regular Member
Sep 3, 2009
Henrico, Virginia, USA
I have yet to meet anyone...

Who thought that carrying a rock as a defensive tool was a good FIRST choice. "THOUGHT" being the operative word in this particular equation. Thoughtful people maintain their defensive tools in a readily deployable condition.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2007
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Who thought that carrying a rock as a defensive tool was a good FIRST choice. "THOUGHT" being the operative word in this particular equation. Thoughtful people maintain their defensive tools in a readily deployable condition.

Must be popular on TV. Notice how everyone, it seems, feels compelled to rack that slide, make noise, and be all dramatic -- HEY, look at me; I'm holding a gun.

Sole exception seems to be Raylan Givens.
Last edited:

B. Reddy

Regular Member
Jul 9, 2011
Orange County, Virginia
Speak with EVERY elected official possible, not just the pro-2nd Amendment ones

I had a VCDL member tell me "I don't talk to my representative - he's an ass." When I tried to tell him I always try to find something, no matter how small, with which I do agree with my rabidly anti-gun delegate (and mentioned that one of the subjects on which we agree was marriage equality), the member also turned his back on me (figuratively). I don't expect everyone who owns a gun to agree with me on other issues, but we've been showing a miserable lack of respect for one another over the last six months or so.

After our small group spoke with all of our reps, we went to Sen. Marsden's office, (D)-Fairfax, not expecting much in the way of a reception. Not sure what the senator was expecting, but at least he did not get a re-enactment of a "Duck Dynasty" skit.

Sen. Marsden spoke with us for several minutes and addressed a few issues raised by a handful of the two GSL teams that filled his office.

Sure, those busloads of anti-2A children are adorable, but THEY CAN'T VOTE!

(sorry, no idea who took this photo I got off VCDL site, nice work, tho)

Marsden 2.jpg


Regular Member
Jan 20, 2009
Fairfax, va
I made it and i was a bit late. When i got there the last of the groups had just started for the line. I walked around and noticed a low turn out. I didn't see anyone but ed and he sort of stood out in that shirt of his.


Regular Member
Jan 20, 2009
Fairfax, va

I know i am in that picture but you wont be able to see me due to being vertically challenged. I also left halfway through that speech. The need for food and range time got the best of me.

Lyndsy Simon

Regular Member
Jan 14, 2011
Charlottesville, VA
It was my first Lobby Day as well - all in all, I was satisfied with it. My Senator (Deeds) wasn't available, but I peeled off from my group and had a sit-down with his LA. While we disagreed on a couple of points, I feel like my opinion was heard and they were at least willing to hear my concerns.

Afterward, I had lunch with another site's members, then walked back across the Capitol grounds to my vehicle while the antis were assembling. One woman with a sign ended up calling me a racist because "95% of the VCDL and NRA's membership is white men". She got pretty huffy with me, but I escorted them to the General Assembly building on my way through (they were lost). I was still carrying around my roll of GSL stickers, but none of the women in the group accepted them when offered.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2013
Virginia Beach, Va.
It was my first Lobby Day as well - all in all, I was satisfied with it. My Senator (Deeds) wasn't available, but I peeled off from my group and had a sit-down with his LA. While we disagreed on a couple of points, I feel like my opinion was heard and they were at least willing to hear my concerns.

Afterward, I had lunch with another site's members, then walked back across the Capitol grounds to my vehicle while the antis were assembling. One woman with a sign ended up calling me a racist because "95% of the VCDL and NRA's membership is white men". She got pretty huffy with me, but I escorted them to the General Assembly building on my way through (they were lost). I was still carrying around my roll of GSL stickers, but none of the women in the group accepted them when offered.
