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Texas Rep. Bryan Slaton, HCR 54 informs the Feds that the people have lost all of their guns in boating accidents, fortunately with no loss of life.


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan

1 WHEREAS, The Texas Legislature respectfully notifies the
2 federal government of a series of alleged boating accidents that
3 occurred across Hunt, Hopkins, Van Zandt, and possibly other
4 countiesonJanuary10,2023,whichinvolvedallprivategunowners
5 inthesecounties,andthankfully,allegedlyresultedinnoinjury
6 orlossoflife;and

7 WHEREAS, Due to the series of alleged boating accidents, the
8 Texas Legislature also wishes to notify the federal government of
9 theallegedlossofallfirearms,accessories,andammunitionowned
10 by all private gun owners in the counties of Hunt, Hopkins, Van
11 Zandt,andpossiblyothercounties;and

12 WHEREAS, As a result of the alleged events, the Texas
13 Legislature wishes to inform the federal government, the current
14 presidential administration, and any future administration that
15 any attempt to buyback, confiscate, or register some or all
16 firearms,accessories,orammunitionfromprivategunownersinthe
17 counties of Hunt, Hopkins, Van Zandt, and possibly other counties
18 willnotbepossibleornecessary;now,therefore,beit

19 RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas
20 hereby notifies the federal government of the unfortunate alleged
21 loss of all firearms, accessories, and ammunition of all private
22 gunownersinthecountiesofHunt,Hopkins,VanZandt,andpossibly
23 othercountiesduetoaseriesofallegedboatingaccidents;and,be
24 itfurther
88R6543 TBO-F 1
1 RESOLVED, That the Texas House of Representatives and Senate
2 submit the notification to the federal government, the current
3 presidential administration, and any future administration that
4 any attempt to buyback, confiscate, or register some or all
5 firearms, accessories, and ammunition will not be possible or
6 necessaryinthecountiesofHunt,Hopkins,VanZandt,andpossibly
7 othercountiesduetothisseriesofallegedboatingaccidents.