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sidebar regard LE response in latest incident...

American Patriot

Regular Member
Mar 5, 2009
, ,
AP, here are the current NC oath of offices for sheriff & LE officer as mandated
I, A.B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will execute the office of sheriff of __county to the best of my knowledge and ability, agreeably to law; and that I will not take, accept or receive, directly or indirectly, any fee, gift, bribe, gratuity or reward whatsoever,
for returning any man to serve as a juror or for making any false return on any process to me directed; so help me, God.

Law Enforcement Officer
I, A.B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will be alert and vigilant to enforce the criminal laws of this State; that I will not be influenced in any matter on account of personal bias or prejudice; that I will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of my office as a law enforcement officer according to the best of my skill, abilities, and judgment; so help
me, God.

as you can read, AP absolutely nothing about running into areas where they could be killed/maimed/etc.

further, as previously been stated, by USSC opinions, LEs do not have any duty to respond to citizen's emergencies...

finally, as has been proven time and time again...

this is monday morning quarterbacking at its best...

would've...could've...should've ~ in hindsight is an absolutely worthless endeavour unless CHANGES in procedure, ad nauseam, are made to preclude a recurrence...but as everyone knows...

history, as everyone knows ~ never ever repeats itself, now does it!

I, A.B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will be alert and vigilant to enforce the criminal laws of this State;

According to your theory LE can wait until the threat is over to "enforce" the criminal laws of this state, i.e. wait until the perp runs out of ammo or dies from a heart attack or until he has slaughtered all the community and gives up and goes home.

Lot of tax revenue is wasted on maintaining the 911 system... .no need for an emergency call system.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
It all starts at the top from the president on down.

It doesn't matter if it is a politician, LEO, military personnel, doctor or any one else takes a oath.

Only a few most likely take their oath seriously.

For the rest it just something to do as a means to the end.

If the top doesn't believe in them most the of the rest will follow the lead.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
According to your theory LE can wait until the threat is over to "enforce" the criminal laws of this state, i.e. wait until the perp runs out of ammo or dies from a heart attack or until he has slaughtered all the community and gives up and goes home.

Lot of tax revenue is wasted on maintaining the 911 system... .no need for an emergency call system.
the boys in blue walk to their own beat of the music...especially evidenced by the their malfeasance towards citizens

as for the 911 system i liken their usefulness to that of the shot monitors spread around the communities...

oh did i miss the part of the oaths stating about "... I know that LEO take an oath to uphold the laws of the US...
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Lot of tax revenue is wasted on maintaining the 911 system... .no need for an emergency call system.
For the most part it is a danger to safety. They have a great knack of twisting the facts reported into fictional skulduggery.
Per City of Cincinnati 911 call center:
Appropriate uses of 911 are instances of immediate danger or when there is a crime in progress, such as:
  • breaking and entering
  • assault
  • rape
  • shooting
  • cutting/stabbing
  • robbery
  • any crime against a child
  • missing person (if they are a child or an adult with a mental or physical disability)
  • vehicle accident
  • person with a weapon (gun/knife)
  • suspicious situations
  • medical emergencies
  • fires
  • electrical lines down
  • gas leaks
  • an immediate situation where someone can be injured or is injured
A person seeing someone with a gun is an emergency.

Northrup v. City of Toledo Police Department

I am working on a case right now; the 911 call was three people running around in a front yard, no more no less. 911 dispatcher dispatched the call as a possible domestic violence. And it went down hill from there.

This is the rule, not the exception.


Aug 10, 2011
Atlanta, GA
When state lawmakers generally criminalize armed defense by citizens in K-12 schools knowing they are soft targets, and knowing that law-enforcement is subject to abject failure in mass shooter situations, they have blood on their hands in my view.



Regular Member
Jun 2, 2006
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ,
People get upset when I tell them this, but the main objective of the peace officer is to maintain order. To maintain order so the governmental unit they work for can continue to function. When it says "To Serve and Protect" on the side of the squad car it's not talking about you. And even though agency mission statements babble on about serving the community every cop knows that's a crock.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
People get upset when I tell them this, but the main objective of the peace officer is to maintain order. To maintain order so the governmental unit they work for can continue to function. When it says "To Serve and Protect" on the side of the squad car it's not talking about you. And even though agency mission statements babble on about serving the community every cop knows that's a crock.

spoken like a tried and true retired deputy...

American Patriot

Regular Member
Mar 5, 2009
, ,
People get upset when I tell them this, but the main objective of the peace officer is to maintain order. To maintain order so the governmental unit they work for can continue to function. When it says "To Serve and Protect" on the side of the squad car it's not talking about you. And even though agency mission statements babble on about serving the community every cop knows that's a crock.
Yes, we witnessed police work on TV recently in WI


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
I-ANAL. I was perhaps a cop fanboi as I was retiring, well acquainted with my local shop from CSO to sworn officers to command staff.

Cops have no duty to individuals, but only To Serve and Protect the state.
IIRC, when I have seen that phrase it has been "To Protect and Serve". Thanks to various court rulings, some of which have been mentioned here, the last two words should not be "the State" but "the Law".


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Yes, we witnessed police work on TV recently in WI
yes, sure we have, you mean the aftermath of police work portrayed via newspeek/social media...

and still not sure if paul harvey's 'rest of the story' has come out of the texas' naked city."

smoke and mirrors...

late news bulletin....Oswald shot kennedy so say the newspeek media...[still awaiting the release of the Commission's report...eh?]


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA

"You want to implement seriously repressive gun control, you need a good crisis to overcome the Constition by popular demand. It won't get done unless the people generally demand it, and that won't happen if they're not terrified into submission. So our government is cynically, knowingly and intentionally killing people, especially children, in order to justify their desire to render the public defenseless against oppression and tyranny."

Paragraph 3 in your post #12 is something I have been screaming and writing about for some time, now. These events play right into the hands of the banners and the ultimate goal and agenda of those who would see the American people disarmed and controlled. And it's working. Just last week I was on a cruise on an island in the Caribbean and talking to a man from NYC. He was firmly of a mind that guns were the source of all the bad things that have been taking place over the last twenty years and that we had to do something about it. He never came out and said what that something was but it was pretty clear what he wanted to see happen.

BTW, how have you been? Up for lunch sometime?
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