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School being held liable for their inactions which resulted in school shooting.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
Iowa, USA
I think it was a systemic failure that allowed the Oxford shooting to happen. The parents are (rightfully so) being charged. If the school informs the parents of their concerns and nothing is done, then I believe the school should have. There are a lot of crappy parents out there and quite often the schools get involved. Whether its poverty, mental/physical abuse, hunger, or sickness, schools in the past have gotten involved.

The school failed the victims of this tragedy. Based on news reports, there were several warnings given by this kid weeks before the shooting. Especially the twitter post the night before.

The principal, counselor, and teachers knew the threats. I believe they are responsible, both in a civil manner as well as a criminal.


New member
Sep 8, 2019
There has been a movement titled, "Breaking the school to prison pipeline," active in schools for over a decade now. The focus is on NOT reporting crimes committed on school grounds to law enforcement. School systems like this, because they don't have to report violent events in schools. Law enforcement is cooperating with this. Students who are obvious dangers and criminals are not being referred to LE or prosecuted, resulting in 18 year-olds (whom everybody knows is a threat) having a clean criminal record, and being able to buy a rifle.

I know this is not the case in this particular school shooting, but not reporting threatening students is par for the course today. Additionally, that is EXACTLY what happened to lead to the Stoneman Douglas school shooting.

I'm not just spreading rumors. I've been in the staff development sessions. It's active in your schools. The administration and LE talk tough about keeping your kids safe, but they're happy to sacrifice them for political ends.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
There has been a movement titled, "Breaking the school to prison pipeline," active in schools for over a decade now. The focus is on NOT reporting crimes committed on school grounds to law enforcement. School systems like this, because they don't have to report violent events in schools. Law enforcement is cooperating with this. Students who are obvious dangers and criminals are not being referred to LE or prosecuted, resulting in 18 year-olds (whom everybody knows is a threat) having a clean criminal record, and being able to buy a rifle.

I know this is not the case in this particular school shooting, but not reporting threatening students is par for the course today. Additionally, that is EXACTLY what happened to lead to the Stoneman Douglas school shooting.

I'm not just spreading rumors
. I've been in the staff development sessions. It's active in your schools. The administration and LE talk tough about keeping your kids safe, but they're happy to sacrifice them for political ends.

jmmemoli, et al., let's quantify a few things from your post....\
1. "Students who are obvious dangers and criminals..."
so sally & larry community educator is now mandated to make a judicial determination based strictly on their redd'n/wright'n/add'n educational background regarding which of their students are "obvious dangers" & are "criminals" out their entire student body?

2. "...(whom everybody knows is a threat)..."
the concept that "EVERYBODY KNOWS" 18 year old(s) within an academic environment are a threat is a blatant fallacious argument lacking any conception of being reality.\

3. "I know this is not the case in this particular school shooting,..."
If you are aware the information you are spewing is not germane to the thread's premise...why contribute misinformation?

4. "that is EXACTLY what happened to lead to the Stoneman Douglas school shooting."
Seems the FL Governor's commission report [ http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/MSDHS/CommissionReport.pdf ] doesn't seem to mention anything about your purported concept(s).

let's review, Cruz was in special need educational system due to diag'd mental health issues. then at 16 he was 'mainstreamed into HS without any of his diag'd special needs being met which caused him to have 'outbursts' which resulted in his being suspended from school at 18.

a few months prior to the shooting event Cruz's mother passed and he an his brother were living with 'family' friends. so a mentally challenged individual has been mainstreamed into public school, thrown out of said school, had his singular caregiver pass, living out of suitcase...

finally, the movement which you referenced at the beginning of your post is from the Praxis Project ~~ The Praxis Project is a national movement support intermediary committed to capacity building for social change who published a non researched singular article pushing their perception in 2019, titled

while you unequivocally stated: "I'm not just spreading rumors" & "It's active in your schools" ~~ sorry, yes you are spreading hyperbole w/o any type of research to substantiation.


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
Thanks for the consciousness raising.

The durable president of my school board, the smallest school district in the state, of ~80 K-12 and specializing in special needs, is also a Universalist Unitarian (a.k.a. ecumenist) and noted physicist. For his physics background we speak often and I have served on some of his special interest committees.

He has brought up the topic, though not the title, in regards to an ‘immigrant’ foster family with particular legal challenges, two of three of the males are under legal supervision, one is incarcerated. Two of the three females are under psychiatric supervision. The arrival of this family some years ago caused a spike in our county police services demand.

Beyond the problem children, we have as many notable successes with difficult Autists and differently odd children.

Thanks for your note. There is plenty of documentation of the title returned with a search by an unbiased search engine, one document I noted dated 2008.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Years ago a neighbor asked me about her sister moving to the area.

She said her sister wanted to get her children away from their bad habits and crime problems.

I told her tell her sister to move some place else as we didn't need those trouble makers here.

My neighbor looked at me like how dare you condemn my sister's children like that.

Then proceeded to tell how country living well straighten them out.

40 years later we are still dealing with the problems they brought as they knocked up several local girls.

Raising a bunch of drug user criminals just like their dads.

Who intern raised more drug using criminals.

The number of crimes that would not have been committed in our area. Most likely hundreds.

If only they had not moved there.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
As far as the schools go.

When the attitude came about that we have to educate all no matter what.

That is when this all started.

When it became a so called right to stay in school no matter what.

It used to be trouble makers were kicked out. Or just left to drop out and go their separate ways.

Now the system works very hard into keeping them in school no matter what they do.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
This crap has been going on for years in city schools. Somewhere in my archives I have a news paper story about a school arson that did 50 thousand in damage back in 1936. The fire was set to cover-up the massive damage done to the school. A bunch of kids were charged.

Back in the 60s bad duds at the country school I attended were taken out back and given an attitude adjustment.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
For decades, the percentage of 18-24 year-olds who completed high school with a regular diploma or GED hovered around 85%.

"Between 2001 and 2016, the percentage of 18-24 year-olds with a credential increased to 93%...

Because few close observers seem to believe it. The main concern is that schools may have made it easier to complete high school through lax course grading, GEDs, and “credit-recovery programs” that allow students to pass without learning much. where it appears that graduation rates have been inflated.

The uptick started in the early 2000s, just after No Child Left Behind (NCLB) passed into law. In addition to the law’s well-known focus on test scores, NCLB also gradually added accountability for high school graduation. At first, the attention to graduation was relatively limited, but, in 2007, states were required to set specific targets that schools had to reach in order to make “adequate yearly progress” and use a common metric, called the average cohort graduation rate.

Did they try to genuinely improve the quality of instruction so that students would want to stay in school? Or did they game the system? In other words, is the steep increase in high school graduation only an accountability-fueled mirage, or does it reflect a real improvement in human capital? The mirage interpretation seems especially plausible given the pressure schools were under and the fact that they control the data used to calculate graduation rates."

ya the this nation's academic administrators are truly worried bout "Breaking the school to prison and immigration pipeline" nonsense...uh huh!

NCES (Last Updated: May 2021): In school year 2018–19, the national adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 86 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (93 percent), followed by White (89 percent), Hispanic (82 percent), Black (80 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (74 percent) students.

Last edited:


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2008
Iowa, USA
Back in the 60s bad duds at the country school I attended were taken out back and given an attitude adjustment....

Sometimes I think its a lack of these types of actions that have put us where we are at. If you had a problem with someone you told them to their face and faced any consequences of your words. Now we have social media warriors who can talk all kinds of crap with no fear of being punched in the face.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
"Between 2001 and 2016, the percentage of 18-24 year-olds with a credential increased to 93%...

Because few close observers seem to believe it. The main concern is that schools may have made it easier to complete high school through lax course grading, GEDs, and “credit-recovery programs” that allow students to pass without learning much. where it appears that graduation rates have been inflated.

And this is why we have so many "numb nuts" out there that can't adequately speak the language, add simple numbers together, and are so easily led (or fooled) into all kinds of detrimental paths.