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Iowa county sues citizens for asking them to obey the law


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Iowa passed a preemption statute that says political subdivisions may not ban firearms in public building unless they provide security screening.

Monroe County banned firearms in all areas of the county courthouse, including non-court areas, and does not provide any security screening. Iowa Firearms Coalition and Albia resident J.D. Thompson both wrote the county and informed them this was a violation. When the county never responded, Thompson wrote a letter to the editor of the local newspaper.

In turn, Monroe county has sued both IFC and Thompson, and is demanding legal fees.

In a novel twist of words-that-don't-mean-things, Monroe County is calling a prohibition a mandate.

Note that the law does not require any security screening at all; if the courts and counties choose to ban guns, they must provide security screening, but the ban is a choice, not a mandate.

A link to the county's suit is included in this release:


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Typical county filing a frivolous lawsuit. There is no unfunded mandate. The only cost to the court are simple sighs placed on courtrooms and court offices stating that no firearms are permitted.