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Guns in schools?

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
And, make no mistake about it, Americans are uniquely suited to having rigorous debates. We practically invented the practice back about 240 years ago when we decided that our ability to say whatever it is that we want is the most important freedom that a person can have.
And, to protect that freedom of debate we practically invented the practice of carrying guns.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2009
Northwest Kent County, Michigan

Teachers having some semblance of Constitutional Rights once again? Imaging that!

I have always considered Second Amendment-free school zone laws to be rather blatant civil rights violations and nothing less. It is way past time that we stop treating otherwise law-abiding persons as second-class citizens simply because they happen to be educators.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
Teachers having some semblance of Constitutional Rights once again? Imaging that!

I have always considered Second Amendment-free school zone laws to be rather blatant civil rights violations and nothing less. It is way past time that we stop treating otherwise law-abiding persons as second-class citizens simply because they happen to be educators.

And how does a "teacher carry" law alleviate that?