I'm not so sure about that one. I think that might be...... 'a matta uh in-ter-pra-tat-tion...' :uhoh:
It appears that the code requires the Clerk to ISSUE the permit via US Mail, but the code doesn't say they must accept the application via USPS until you get to the section that specifically discusses renewals.
Here are the sections that I found relating to USPS. Maybe I'm missing something??![]()
The absence of a law defaults in favor of the people.
No law against OC = legal to OC. No law against mailing original application = legal.
Not so with municipalities/Clerk - particularly having anything to do with guns. The Clerk must follow state law, is restricted from creating such both by statute and Dillon Rule.
My neighbor fills out and application, has it notorized by his friendly banker with seal, mails it in (return receipt requested?) and the Clerk is obligated to process it - no if, and or but about it.