Regular Member
One could just tell them, with good command language. I armed stay away, I prepared to defend myself.
Or simple a STAY BACK
Good verbal commands not only inform the potential attacker your aware but alerts witnesses that your in danger.
If it is legal to open carry why would it be brandishing to exposé your firearm with out drawing it?
One second your CCW next your open carrying.
There are to many variables in each situation to know or say what well work or not.
The mentally ill and those who are intoxicated on drugs or alcohol some times just don't pay attention or care.
Where it is legal defensive display can be very effective in stopping an attack with out shooting some one.
Doesn't a person have to see an attacker before issuing a notification?
.......because crooks never sneak up on unsuspecting victims, right?
They also must wear signs announcing they are crooks. They would never pass themselves off as harmless and well intentioned.
Better just notify everyone approaching you so that you can inform those crooks who are attempting to sucker punch you before they strike out of the blue.
I can see the trip down the grocery store aisle......
"I'm armed. Stay away. I'm prepared to defend myself."
"I'm armed. Stay away. I'm prepared to defend myself."
"I'm armed. Stay away. I'm prepared to defend myself."
"I'm armed. Stay away. I'm prepared to defend myself."
.......and on, to the next aisle.
Or, one could simply open carry and let their visible sidearm inform sneaky and disguised criminals that one is prepared to defend themselves.