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The forum will be down for about an hour this weekend for maintenance. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Well Ladies and Gentlemen, the Supreme Court has upheld and affirmed 2a rights by applying the right to keep and bear arms to States and Cities. The Chicago gun ban would now be deemed, illegal and unconstitional. Hooray! As for AB1934....let's watch as it goes down in flames. Democrats...
WE WON!!! The Supreme Court ruling upheld 2a rights by affirming that the law is applicable to Federal, State and City equally. Anti-gun folks are going to hate the ruling. :banana:
AP News : The Orange County Register
Jun 28, 10:21 AM EDT
Justices extend gun owner rights nationwide...
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I read with interest the news article from the Daily Breeze who reported on the event. While brief, it was an absolutely great article, well written and with no negative bias whatsoever. Good old fashioned reporting....just the facts M'aam. Anyway, I sent an email to the reporter...
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Hi Guys. I'm still new here and just discovered the Danbus video which I watched today. http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=18078410First let me say, Danbus....congratulations on keeping your cool and having a level head through the whole ordeal. I'd...
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Hi guys. I've been reading a lot on the subject of UOC and joined today a a result of the growing debate. I think there's much to be said for UOC and I support it along with CCW in CA.
Anyway, I'd enjoy a chance to meet some new folks and gain your perspective on UOC. I was...